Write a five page application paper (not including Reference page) to describe how you might incorporate a change in your life for positive personal development. Integrate four related psychological concepts as they relate to your change goal. A key point of your paper will be identifying a long term goal related to your change, including three short term action steps that you can incorporate in your life as you seek to implement your proposed change. Follow these guidelines:
a.In the introduction of your paper, present a brief paragraph that develops how this change issue has become important in your life. Conclude with a statement summarizing your desired change.
b.In the body of your paper, discuss how your chosen psychological concepts discussed in this course will impact or has impacted your choice. Chose four of the seven below, using section headings as appropriate. Be sure to use one outside resource to expand information about each of the four concepts you select (see f below):
a.Self-concept – Self-esteem (how influenced by your desired change)
b.Personal control (choices and responsibilities for desired change)
c.Stress (a need to change/reduce stress created by desired change)
d.Team involvement (source of support or barriers to desired change)
e.Life stages (influence of any life stages on desired change)
f.Theories of personality (influence on actions/thoughts for desired change)
g.Motivation (motivational influences to begin/maintain desired change)
c.In the body of your paper, identify the long term goal and three short term action steps you plan to take to integrate the chosen concept into your life.
d.In the body of your paper, discuss at least three benefits of the proposed desired change.
e.Conclude with a summary paragraph.
f.Reference page should correctly reference the outside resources as well as your textbook (if utilized).
g.Using available OCLS library resources, locate, review, and cite at least one outside source (other than your textbook) for each of the four concepts you have chosen.
2.When you have completed your assignment, save a copy for yourself and submit a copy to your instructor using the Dropbox by the applicable deadline (Turnitin will be enabled).
Long term goal- Obtaining my degree
personal change I need to make -end procrastination
3 short term action steps-(a) better time manag. (b)eliminate distractions i.e. facebook and friends/ outings during time I should be doing homework (c) ask for help early on and not waiting until things look bad.
4 psy concepts: Motivation, Personal Control, Stress and Life Stage.
Book: Psychology for Living: adjustment, growth and behavior today 11th edition by Kirsh, Duffy and Atwater
Personal Info: I am a 34 years old female. Mother of 2 boys and currently going through a divorce. I just returned to school and my ultimate goal is to obtain my PhD. this class is needed to obtain my Associates…please help.
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Posted on May 12, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions