Performance management system is avital tool in upholding the performance of the employees in the organization. To achieve the endeavor, the management has to evaluate and review the performance of each and every employee in the organization at a particular point in time. In most cases, the action is undertaken once in every month. The report obtained is then given to the concerned employee, and necessary follow-ups are made to ensure that earlier mistakes could not be repeated in the future. Despite the merits accrued to the process, there are reported claims of conflict and dishonesty in the evaluation processes. With such, conflict may ensue in the organization thus the need for managerial
The paper will examine the aspect of the performance management system in the context of Aerospace Designs’. The paper will evaluate the current issues affecting the marketing department and especially the productivity of the departmental employees. The paper will discuss how the organization adhered to the process of performance management and the reasons attached to it. The need for a more structured or formal performance management in Aerospace Designs’ will also be evaluated. Further on, the paper will discuss the validity of Lola’s performance review and the probable reasons for the same. The action to be taken on Lola will also be highlighted in this piece of work. Finally, a detailed plan of action by the management to overcome Lola’s predicaments will be evaluated too.
Performance Management Process
The implantation of a sound performance management system is vital for the realization of the process’s goals and objectives. With such a process cases of conflicts are drastically lowered, and coexistence in the organization is upheld. According to the set guidelines, Aerospace Designs’ did not adhere to the due process. The claim can be backed up by the various conflicts and that are evident. The failure of the organization to uphold an integrated approach to the process is one of the main reasons for its failure. Additionally, the inability of Mr. Frank and other key stakeholders to undertake some commitment analysis shows that the Aerospace did not adhere to the ideal process of performance management. With such, vices such as sexual harassment and the hiring of incompetent employees are evident in the organization. Commitment analysis and the team capabilities ought to be done to realize the best out of the performance management systems.
Management Structure
The size of theperformance management process to be adopted. The small size of the Aerospace is ideal for a formal performance system as opposed to a more structured one. The structure of the management system should be formal and allow for performance related feedbacks. The formal structure should incorporate one-on-one meetings and departmental meetings. Additionally the structure should allow for regular reports on the marketing processes and practiceto evaluate the progress of the organization. The fundamental elements for the implementation of the performance management process should be wholly featured in the implementation process. For instance, the formal performance management meetings need to be conducted as per the rule with the manager acting as the chairperson. The element of written performance warnings either the first or the final ought to be given as required. That is, after the formal management meetings on the performance of the organization. The final performance management meeting is then conducted after the final written warning has been given. The organization can be formal in its performance management processes by making a clarification of the requirement for each and every employee. Additionally, formality can be achieved Some of the steps that are presumed to be culturally upright and effective are the clarification of objectives, securing the senior management buy-in, system preparation, management training, employee training and reviewing success. The clarification of the goals should be initiated to all members of the group. The action step is implemented by the human resource manager. The key reason for this endeavor is to uphold organizational performance and satisfaction of the workers. The implementation of this step at Aerospace Designs’ would be vital in various ways. For instance, the delay in submitting the performance review for Lola could not have taken place. Additionally, the recruitment processes could have been done in a transparent manner, and a competent candidate would have been selected in place of Lola. As such, the performance of the organization in its marketing endeavors could have been increased rather than stalling. The preparation of the system and timeliness in the documentation would have been essential at Aerospace Designs’. With such, efficiency in managing the performance would be increased, and chances of delay in documentation will be drastically reduced. The performance review of Lola could have been fastened, and necessary actions undertaken with minimal conflict and less time wastage.
Lola’s Performance and Managerial Biasness
The validity and reliability of Lola’s performance review can be questioned. For instance, in the first incidence with Mr. Frank, Lola is certain that her performance was not satisfactory, but she covers up by claiming that sexual conversations and behavior were her main hindrance. As such, she could not achieve higher performance since the reasons were beyond her control. Her assertion that the performance was not worthy irrespective of the challenges is a clear reason to invalidate her claims in the review. The action by Frank of failing to submit Lola’s performance review in good time depictsthe existence of managerial bias. Frank demonstrated some aspects of recency bias by withholding the performance review for Lola for a longer period than usual. As such, we cannot ascertain whether he carried out the performance review at the stipulated time margins. Excessive leniency bias is also evident at Aerospace Designs’ whereby Frank violated the performance review process.
Plan of Action
Lola’s sexual harassment case and her performance review are complex issues in Aerospace designs. Sound communication and plan of action are essential in resolving the matter with minimal negative impacts. The first step should involve a thorough investigation of the sexual harassment claims and thereby employing professionalism in addressing the issue. Thirdly, an overall investigation of the sexual and behavioral cases in the marketing department and the entire organization should be upheld. The fourth step involves the analysis of the issues to get an insight ontheir validity and relationship with the performance review. The fifth step should entail the provision of judgment and conclusions by the management. Further action appropriate measures should be taken on each and every culprit by upholding transparency.
In summation, the importance of management performance systems cannot be overlooked. As such, sound management structures ought to be put in place to realize higher levels of organizational performance and satisfaction. The Aerospace Designs’ corporation depicts the negative impacts that can occur in organizations as a result of inefficient performance structure and system. Human offenses such as sexual harassments and related behaviorssystem is essential for Aerospace since it will incorporate the managers in departmental meetings and decision-making. The solution to the issues can be achieved through sound communication framework and an efficient plan of action.