Hi there, I want to let you know that my subject area is Paramedic but I couldn’t find it between the choices so I chose nursing. Please ensure that you write the case study as you are a paramedic which is mean you need to focus your search more in Australian paramedics guideline. However,.
here are some points of the case study Requirements for Pathophysiology for Paramedic students :
A 1500 word, structured response answering the specific questions presented in the uploaded file (check the uploaded file).
•Information provided in your answers must be referenced following academic conventions.
A bibliography should be included at the end of your document conforming to Harvard (author/date) format.
References and in text citations are not included in the word count.
•Diagrams need to be included to help support your answers – they are not included in the word count.
•Use the answer template provided by pasting it into a new document.(check the uploaded file )
# check the upload section:
you will find more information about my assignment details in file in the upload files section. please follow the instructions and answer all the Questions.
Also, I need first draft for structure to submit to teacher as soon as possible.
Finally, please write the case using Australian English words because I’m studying in AU.
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Posted on May 31, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions