Solution-Find legal case involving exonneration of
April 11, 2020
Draw a hypothetical biochemical pathway
April 12, 2020

Paragraph for each source

Using each of these sources. would you be able to write a paragraph for each source using quotes from the sources, talking about the mammoth extinction and the type of source it is i.e primary, secondary, bias, unbias, reputable..?
Nogués-Bravo, David, et al. “Climate change, humans, and the extinction of the woolly mammoth.” PLoS biology 6.4 (2008): e79.
Haynes, Gary. “The catastrophic extinction of North American mammoths and
mastodonts.” World Archaeology 33.3 (2002): 391-416.
Grayson, Donald K., and David J. Meltzer. “Clovis hunting and large mammal extinction:
a critical review of the evidence.” Journal of World Prehistory 16.4 (2002): 313-359.
Stuart, Anthony J. “The extinction of woolly mammoth (< i> Mammuthus
primigenius</i>) and straight-tusked elephant (< i> Palaeoloxodon antiquus</i>) in
Europe.” Quaternary International 126 (2005): 171-177.
Martin, Paul S. “The discovery of America.” Science 179.4077 (1973): 969-974.