Assignment 2—Outline plan of leadership article for assignment 4 Mode of submission:
Online through FLO Graded: Yes Weighting: 15% Length: 750 words Due date: Monday 11.00 am CST This second assignment is to be presented as a scholarly academic paper. It is an outline plan of the final assignment 4 which will be a leadership article submitted for publication in a selected academic journal. Consider you are preparing to write an article for publication, identify the journal the article is being prepared for and use their required referencing style for this assignment and assignment 4. Obtain a copy of the referencing requirements for the chosen journal and ensure you attach it to the assignment submission as an appendix. You are only required to use the referencing style of the journal. Even though the journal may ask for an abstract no abstract is required for this assignment. page 6 To complete this academic assignment you are expected to: • Choose a topic and develop a title • Search the literature for current articles on the subject; you must use at least 5 references for this paper. • Include a title page, a contents page (inclusive of section//sub-section headings) and reference list. • Make a note on the title page to explain why you have chosen the topic. – Provide a short academic discussion on the topic you have chosen including some of the literature related to the topic. You will not have enough space to use all the related references keep some to also include in your final paper. Include an Introduction, a Discussion with its own section /sub-section headings, Conclusion, Reference List and Appendix with the chosen journal referencing information. It is really a short version of the final paper or a draft. You must use journal articles and not textbooks or popular culture books related to the topic including leadership and management literature. The references can be inserted from EndNote if you desire. • Ensure the articles used are no older than five (5) years unless the historical significance is explained. • Presentation should be in assignment format, 12 point font; 1 and a half to two line spacing, Times New Roman or Arial font. It is suggested you choose a journal article you have read during the topic to guide you with structure and the type of content (but not the actual content). For example, the Advanced Journal of Australian Nursing has a structure that may be useful for you to consider, as do most journals. Check the Journal web site for information. The assignment is a draft for assignment 4 and is to be presented in the style of the chosen journal’s referencing instructions. Even though the journal may ask for an abstract no abstract is required for this assignment. Some topic ideas for assignment 2 • Write the article outline about an experience of leadership giving consideration to how your leadership role is manifest. Give examples of the experience and provide a critical analysis of the experience supported by leadership literature. If you use this suggestion, do not use the same example for assignment 3. • Or write with a focus on one of the following: – leadership and organisational change – leadership for quality in health service – leaders in nursing/midwifery – professional leadership – the political leader as an agent of change in nursing/midwifery – role ambiguity: myth or reality? – any other subject related to this topic. EndNote referencing program. EndNote referencing program You are encouraged to use EndNote throughout this topic for storing reference information and developing reference lists. EndNote is a bibliographic database and reference management application available for free from Flinders University web site. Accessing EndNote—This software package is available for free for all students and staff from the University website. Go onto the University website and type EndNote into the SEARCH section at the top left hand side of the page next to Quick links there you will find a link to the current versions of EndNote go there; Version X4 for Windows and Version X3 for Macintosh are now available. When downloading please follow the direction exactly so as to ensure that you get the version that is free. Before you upload the assignment be sure you: Review the rubric for assignment 2 to ensure you have addressed the grading requirements. The rubric is located on the assignment resources site on the topic site. You do not need to attach the rubric. page 7 Include the: • completed paper and title page • assignment cover sheet • a copy of the journal referencing information from the journal you have chosen as an appendix Upload the assignment and all these components into the attachment section on assignment 2 by the due date and time. If you have an extension: • Include the signed extension form from the topic coordinator. Please note extensions are only granted in extenuating circumstances and not for workload issues. Please see the information for seeking an extension in that area of the topic details and under student companion. If you have submitted this assignment previously you must undertake a new paper covering a different subject