Origin of every single cell in the embryo

Find to be the most interesting lesson
April 18, 2020
Determine the location of the his mutation
April 18, 2020

Origin of every single cell in the embryo

Options are: Zebra Fish, Chick, Frog, Sea Urchin, RoundWorms

Which of the embryos you observed would you investigate furtherif you were told you had to be able to trace the origin of (fatemap) EVERY SINGLE cell in the embryo? why?

If you needed to investigate morphogenesis in internal tissueswhich embryo would you work on? Why?

If you wanted to make partially transgenic embryos by injectingDNA into a single cell in a cleavage stage embryo, which embryowould you choose? Why?

If you wanted to understand more about the events offertilization, which embryo would you work on and why?

If you wished to use a genetic approach (i.e. manipulate genesinstead of cells or tissues) to study development, which embryowould you work on and why?

If you wanted to understand more about angiogenesis(construction of the circulatory system), which embryo would youwork on and why?

If you wanted to understand whether water-borne pollutantsaffect development of vertebrate embryos which embryo would youwork on and why?

If you wanted to understand more about limb development, whichembryo would you work on and why?