October 11, 2020
Organizational Diagnosis
October 12, 2020

Organizational culture


You will gain experience working in diverse, virtual teams, expanding their skills and abilities working in interpersonal settings with the concepts and theories of the human relations frame.



Organizational culture is defined as the shared values and assumptions of how an organization’s members will behave.  But organizational culture goes far beyond this simple definition.  For this profile paper, each student each group will first profile the organizational culture of an organization that he or she is currently or previously a member, and then will compare and contrast his or her organizational culture with others in his or her group.


Organizational culture typically is thought of as the combined aspects of an organization that give an impression or message about that organization.  These impressions or messages are typically made up of the following elements:

Heroes: people who have made outstanding contributions to their organizations.

Stories: the history of how the organization came into being…. extraordinary efforts on the part of organizational members.

Slogans: “Quality is job 1.”  Many organizations have mission statements that serve as written history of their organizational culture.

Symbols: what types of awards and recognitions are given to organizational members?

Ceremonies: how does this organization recognize those who achieve or add value to the organization?

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