organizational compensation and benefits research paper on a company or organization of your choice

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organizational compensation and benefits research paper on a company or organization of your choice

You are to submit a five page organizational compensation and benefits research paper on a company or organization of your choice. Your paper should include the type of compensation and benefits plans, advantages and disadvantages of the key components of the plans, and include your recommendations on how to improve the plans based upon your class readings and experiences. Here are the guidelines for the research paper:
Five pages (Not including your title page and references)
Ideally 1,400 to 1,800 words (Minus the title page and references)

6th edition APA formatting (Times New Roman, 12 font, double spaced & 1 margins)
Abstract with Keywords
A minimum of five references (the textbook can be a reference source)

Here is the grading rubric for the Final Project, weighted at 20% per:
In the form of an abstract, state the company or organization you researched and identify their major benefits and compensation programs.
Identify key advantages/disadvantages of their plans.
Utilize at least three references to validate and support the key points in your paper.
Provide a clear and concise recommendation on how to improve their current programs based upon the class readings, experiences, and forum discussions.
Adhere to college writing to include 6th edition APA forma .

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