organisation / inovation
Organization/Innovating MGT2032M
Please select one of the following questions and prepare a 200 word esay. You should make use of
photographs to ilustrate the focus of your asignment (maximum of 3 images).
Please folow the esay format guidelines:
– Font: Arial, Size 12
– Alignment: Justifed
– Spacing: 1.5
– Paragraphs: Leave an aditonal space
Q1. Select an organisational proces suported by technology; analyse it using concepts from either
a technological determinist or a social construction of technology perspective.
– For example you may wish to consider one of the folowing examples:
o Buying a train ticket; ordering a cofe; clocking in/out at work; sicknes monitoring;
banking; pasport control; your own choice.
Q2. You have ben asked to introduce a new technology into the work place. Discus how
technological determinism or social construction of technology would inform your managerial
– For example you may wish to consider one of the folowing examples:
o Self-scaning technology; admision control; security of the building;
Q3. Using concepts from either technological determinism or social construction of technology how
would you aproach redesigning the notion of a lecture, or the practice of lecturing.
– For example you may wish to consider the folowing aspects:
o Who would you take into acount
o What echnology would you select
References needed :
Diffusion of innovations – Everett M. Rogers 2003 (Book)
Does technology drive history?: the dilemma of technological determinism – Merritt Roe Smith, Leo Marx c1994 (Book)
Philosophy of technology: an introduction – Val Dusek 2006 (Book)
Philosophy of technology: the technological condition : an anthology 2014 (Book)
Rethinking objectivity – Allan Megill 1994 (Book)
Shaping technology/building society: studies in sociotechnical change – Wiebe E. Bijker, John Law 1995 (Book)
The social shaping of technology – Donald MacKenzie, Judy Wajcman 1999 (Book)
The sociology of work: an introduction – Keith Grint 2005 (Book)