organisations marketing philosophy

Photo analysis
May 12, 2020
Book Report/Review, Environmental studies
May 12, 2020

organisations marketing philosophy

organisations marketing philosophy

(Page 3)
2. Define the customer values of your selected organisation? (page 4)
3. Define and explain the customer needs of your chosen organisation (page 4-?)
4. Explain how satisfying a customer s is an important part of marketing.
5. What marketing strategies does the organisation use to sat_i:’=._fy_tt_1g=,-_§li_¢=._nt7s_;i_«=g;c_is2

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6. Which marketing strategy from Michael Porters Competitive Strategy model does the

organisation utilise? Give three marketing examples of this strategy, for example,

display examples of its marketing strategies. such as a brochure or internet page

detailing special offers or price-matching guarantees (page 12)
7. Find you your organisations concept of marlrafing? (page 13)
8. Access from your selected company or the inlemet the organistions rnaketing plan?

Referring to page 14-17 comment on the following:

a. Thgjype of ken -» V
b. The type of clients the activities are to r
c. How legislative requirements are met
d. The policies and procedures related to marketing that must be followed
vto You should include a budge (if possible), resources. time lines and expected