Organisational culture and competitive advantage

May 16, 2020
summary reading direct to the question
May 16, 2020

Organisational culture and competitive advantage

Organisational culture and competitive advantage
Write a 3000 word academic essay addressing the following question:
Organisational culture and competitive advantage: is there a link? Discuss.
Compulsory assessment task: Students must complete all assessment tasks for this unit in order to be considered for a pass grade or better. It is therefore compulsory to submit Assignment 2.
Due date: Online submission to MIBT Portal by 1.00 pm on Monday 9 September 2013.
Assessment marks: This assignment is worth 30 marks, which is 30% of your final grade.
Word limit: 3000 words (+ or €“ 10%; excluding References).
Sources: Students are to use a minimum 10 sources for this assignment (this may include texts although academic articles gain higher marks €“ see marking rubric). These 10 sources must include the following eight (8) academic references available on the Portal for this assignment:
Janicijevic, N 2012 The Impact of Organisational Culture on Control of Behaviour in Organisations’, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Economics, Economic Themes’, Year 50, no. 3, pp 289-308.
Kemp, S & Dwyer, L 2001 An examination of organisational culture €“ the Regent Hotel, Sydney’, Hospitality Management, 20, pp 77-93.
Lee, SKJ & Yu, K 2004 Corporate culture and organizational performance’, Journal of Management Psychology, vol. 19, no. 4, pp 340-359.
Ogbanna, E & Harris, LC 2006 Organisational culture in the age of the Internet: an exploratory study’, New Technology, Work and Employment, 21:2, pp 162-175.
Ortega-Parra, A & Sastre-Castillo, MA 2013 Impact of perceived corporate culture on organizational commitment’, Management Decision, vol. 51, no. 5, pp 1071-1083.
Rashid, MZA, Sambasivan, M & Johari, J 2003 The influence of corporate culture and organisational commitment and performance’, Journal of Management Development, vol. 22, no. 8, pp 708-728.
Reginato, L & Guerreiro, R 2012 Relationships between environment, culture, and management control systems’, International Journal of Organizational Analysis, vol. 21, no. 2, pp 219-240.
Rowe, J 2007 Cybernetics of culture’, Kybernetes, vol. 36, no. 5/6, pp 596-606.
Further sources are to include peer-reviewed journal articles available through the Deakin University Library database collection (Business Source Premier, Academic Search Premier etc). Wikipedia,, any social networking websites are NOT permitted. Assignments that cite these websites will be returned not assessed.
Citations and references: all ideas from reading sources must be correctly cited and referenced using the Deakin author-date (Harvard) system.
1. Students are required to submit their assignment (in MS Word) online in a designated area for assignment 2 on the Portal.
2. A Declaration section will be placed on the Portal for assignment 2 which must be completed before students will be able to submit their assignment. The Declaration will replace the need for students to submit an MIBT cover sheet.
3. Students MUST ensure the following:
a. the paper is typed, with 1.5 line spacing
b. page numbers are included
c. a title page is provided (with title of assignment, student name, ID, class day and time, lecturer)
d. the paper is submitted by ID_Name (for example John Smith would submit the paper as: SMJOH1301_John Smith)