Organisational Change Management
4. Demonstrate critical analysis through engagement with practical difficulties of managing organizational change
The assessment is based on meeting these learning outcomes, shown explicitly in section 4, where the assessment task is linked to these learning outcomes.
2. Employability Skills in this Module
It is important that we help you develop employability skills throughout your course which will assist you in securing employment and supporting you in your future
career. During your course you will acquire a wide range of key skills. In this module, you will develop those identified below:
SKILL Skills acquired in this module
Communication (oral) x
Communication (written) x
Commercial Awareness x
Cultural sensitivity
Customer focus
Data Handling
Decision making x
Initiative x
Interpersonal Skills
Leadership/Management of others x
Organisational adaptability
Project Management
Problem Solving and analytical skills x
Responsibility x
Team working
Time Management x
3.2 Reading List and Learning Resources
The reading list and learning resources for this module are available on Reading Lists at Anglia, you can access the reading list for this module on the module VLE
4. Assessment on this Module
The assessment for this module consists of one final submission dates for elements of assessment vary.
Element Type of assessment Word or time limit % of Total Mark Submission method Final Submission Date
010 Patch 1
How and why do middle managers support and resist strategic change?
Patch 2
Why do models of planned change not bring about cultural change?
Patch 3
How do leadership behaviours positively and negatively impact upon employee commitment to organisational change?
30 Quick Guide to Submitting on Turnitin®UK GradeMark
All forms of assessment must be submitted by the published deadline which is detailed above. It is your responsibility to know when work is due to be submitted –
ignorance of the deadline date will not be accepted as a reason for late or non-submission. Any late work will NOT be considered and a mark of zero will be awarded
for the assessment task in question.
You are requested to keep a copy of your work (excluding exams).
4.1 Assessment Information and Marking Criteria
Three separate patches (1,000 words) on three different and specific subject topics using set literature.
Each 1,000 patch will address a specific question relating to a specific topic
4.1.1 Element 010 – Patch questions
• You must answer each of the following three questions.
• You must at the very least read and use the following three journal articles, and course text book, to complete your answer to each question.
• All journal articles are available to access and download from the library peer- reviewed journal databases
• You are encouraged to use wider reading, in addition to this mandatory reading, to complete your answer to each question.
1: How and why do middle managers support and resist strategic change? 1,000 words (40%)
Minimum mandatory reading
Senior, B. and Swailes, S. (2010) Organizational Change. 4th Ed, Harlow: FT Prentice Hall
Conway, E. and Monks. K. (2011) Change from below: the role of middle managers in mediating paradoxical change. Human Resource Management Journal, 21(2): 190-203.
McCann, L., Morris, J. and Hassard, J. (2008) “Normalized Intensity: The New Labour Process of Middle Management.” Journal of Management Studies 45(2): 343-371
Sharyn E. Herzig and Nerina L. Jimmieson, (2006) “Middle managers’ uncertainty management during organizational change”, Leadership and Organization Development
Journal, 27 (8): 628 – 645
2: Why do models of planned change not bring about cultural change?
Minimum mandatory reading
Senior, B. and Swailes, S. (2010). Organizational Change. 4th Ed, Harlow: FT Prentice Hall
Burnes, B. (2004) “Emergent change and planned change – competitors or allies?: The case of XYZ construction”, International Journal of Operations and Production
Management, 24(9): 886 – 902.
Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. (2002) The Unintended Consequences of Culture Interventions: A Study of Unexpected Outcomes. British Journal of Management, 13(1): 31–49.
Smollan R. and Sayers J. G. (2009) Organizational Culture, Change and Emotions: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Change Management. 9 (4): 435-457.
3: How do leadership behaviours positively and negatively impact upon employee commitment to organisational change? 1,000 words (30%)
Minimum mandatory reading
Senior, B. and Swailes, S. (2010). Organizational Change. 4th Ed, Harlow: FT Prentice Hall
Gill, R. (2003). Change management or change leadership. Journal of Change Management, 3(4), 307–318
Lundy, V. and Morin, P.-P. (2013), Project Leadership Influences Resistance to Change: The Case of the Canadian Public Service. Project Management Journal, 44 (3):
Thomas, R and Hardy, C. (2011). Reframing resistance to organizational change. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 27(3): 322-331.
Mark Learning Outcome
1. Patch 1 – strategic change 40% 1,2,4
2. Patch 2 – culture change 30% 1-4
3. Patch 3 – leading change 30% 1-3