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Organisational Behaviour

Organisational Behaviour

Assignment Brief

Using you organisation or one that you are familiar with as a case study:

• Analyseand critically discuss the impact that work groups and teams, power and politics and organisational structure have on your organisation (or one you are familiar with) and also how they influence the culture of the organisation and the way in which you manage your staff (if you have any).

Your analysis must be based uponrelevant academic literature. It must also make specific reference to conceptual models and theories.


Your assignment should be in a report format and not be any longer than 2,500 words, excluding the reference page(s) and appendices (which should be kept to the minimum).

All references to both academic literature and other published sources must be attributed using the Harvard referencing system, which must be used accurately.

Improper citations or plagiarism will result in work being referred to the School Academic Misconduct Officer who will make a decision about any penalties that may be applied to the grade.

Assignment Submission

A copy must be submitted electronically via the submit button on your HRMM055 NILE site by 2359 GMT Saturday 19th July2014.

Failure to submit the assignment on the NILE site by the stated deadline will lead to a zero grade for non-submission.

Assessment criteria

Your assignment will be assessed against

? The postgraduate marking scheme;

? The extent to which you have addressed all parts of the assignment brief;

? The extent to which the analysis demonstrates knowledge of the subject matter, evidence of critical thinking and the development of firm conclusions based on an accuratereflection of the research undertaken;

? Presentation of the assignment must be in a report formatyou are expected to produce an assignment that has a logical and systematic organisation. The presentation of the assignment must be coherent, accurate and reflect work at a post-graduate level.