Operations & Process Mgt
Project description
InstructionTo undertake this assignment you need to download two additional files from Studentcentral, both of which are related to specific digits in your student number.
1.OPM2 Component DataXThis is a Word file. You must download the file where X matchesthe last-but-onedigit ofyourstudent number.
2.OPM2 Weekly Usage Data YThis is an Excel file. You must download the file where Y matches the last digit of your student number.
Example:Student no. 13857264 would download OPM2 Component Data6
andOPM2 Weekly Usage Data4.
The TaskThe supporting Excel and Word files (see above) provide Normally distributed usage data and other key information relating to the inventory management and replenishment of components within a furniture assembly operation.Your task is to analyse and evaluate these data, using your choice of the methods covered in the lectures delivered since Reading Week. Specifically, you are required to:
a)Work out the key replenishment parameters for Item H1.Then, produce a fully-labelled graph of the expected inventory levelfor this component over the first 20 weeks of 2015.
b)Calculate the expected average inventory level (no. units) and value () for each component, during the whole of 2015.
c)Propose a detailed alternative inventory management policy that would help the company reduce its total annual stockholding costsby at least 20%, and quantify the expected savings.
d)Use the weekly usage data for Item H1, along with any other relevant parameters from your work on part a (above), to develop the MRP records for Items H1, K3 and M4over the first 26 weeks of 2015.
NotesAll of the analysis required to achieve the tasks above may be undertaken in Excel. However, you maycarry out theassignment by hand if you wish.You are not
required to provide any more than just briefwritten notes to support your analysis
and results, so no word-count guide or limitapplies.
You must submit your assignment as an Excel spreadsheet, or a Word document,
ora Powerpoint file, or a .pdf file, or as a combination of these things.
WeightingThis assignment represents one half of the assessment within the O&PM strand of the module.It therefore counts towards 25% of the overall mark for themodule.
CriteriaYou will be assessed on the analytical approachadopted,as well as onthecompetencedemonstrated inthe use of relevant techniques.
GuidanceThe materials relating to the teaching sessions in Theme 2(Deliver: Planning &
Control)encompassthe learning required to undertake this assignment. Further
guidance from the tutors will be limited only to clarification of the task.
Assessment Weightings
Inventory profile chart35% of marks
Average inventory levels and values10% of marks
Alternative safety stock policy25% of marks
MRP records30% of marks
Learning Outcomes Being Assessed
Subject Specific:
Demonstrate an understanding of the issues, techniques and strategies involved in balancing demand and supply.
Demonstrate an understanding of the role and major issues involved in inventory control in organisations.
Apply a range of qualitative and quantitative techniques in the analysis and evaluation of common problems within the core, value adding functions of a business.
Demonstrate the ability to think critically about a subject, and the ability to interpret quantitative data and qualitative information in context, in order to support business planning and decision processes.
Demonstrate numeracy, analytical and problem-solving skills, and the ability to use spreadsheets to tackle business problems.
OS201 (2014-15): O&PM Assignment 2
File: OPM2 Component Data 4
A furniture manufacturer aims to provide a 98% service-level to its customers. Over time, as components are used within the finished-goods assembly process, the company orders new stock from its component suppliers with the specific aim of finding the best balance between the cost advantages and disadvantages of holding stock. The company uses a Continuous Review approach to managing its inventory of components within its final assembly operation.
Based on previous analysis, the company believes the average costs associated with placing, processing and receiving a replenishment order for any component amount to £40. It also estimates the average cost of holding a single unit of each component in stock for a whole year at 6% of the unit cost of the item.
Selected data relating to 40 of the components used in the furniture assembly process are contained in the table, below. Each component is identified by a unique item code and the other parameters are defined as follows:
• Unit Cost: The cost per single unit of the item, to the company.
• Standard Order Lead-time: The normal duration between placing a re-supply order on
the supplier, and delivery of the item to the company.
• Stock On-Hand: The quantity of the item in stock at the start of 2015.
Item Code
Unit Cost
(£) Standard Order
(No. Weeks)
(No. Units)
Item Code
Unit Cost
(£) Standard Order
(No. Weeks)
(No. Units)
A1 10.50 2 400 E1 6.50 2 600
A2 2.70 3 840 E2 36.50 3 1,040
A3 95.00 4 1,280 E3 2.20 4 1,480
A4 2.80 5 1,720 E4 2.00 5 1,920
A5 1.60 6 2,160 E5 4.80 6 2,360
B1 3.60 2 800 F1 4.00 2 1,000
B2 2.00 3 1,240 F2 1.00 3 1,440
B3 57.00 4 1,680 F3 1.20 4 1,880
B4 0.90 5 2,120 F4 2.30 5 2,320
B5 6.70 6 560 F5 3.10 6 760
C1 2.50 2 1,200 G1 4.60 2 1,400
C2 10.40 3 1,640 G2 1.80 3 1,840
C3 36.00 4 2,080 G3 1.30 4 2,280
C4 3.80 5 520 G4 2.70 5 720
C5 2.70 6 960 G5 3.20 6 1,160
D1 2.50 2 1,600 H1 2.80 2 1,800
D2 1.50 3 2,040 H2 15.70 3 2,240
D3 3.30 4 480 H3 5.00 4 680
D4 3.30 5 920 H4 2.70 5 1,120
D5 19.00 6 1,360 H5 2.20 6 1,560
The weekly usage (no. units) of each of these 40 components is Normally distributed, and the expected quantities for 2015 are detailed in your supporting Excel spreadsheet.
The diagram below shows the component structure for one of the items listed above – Item H1.
The figures in brackets indicate the number of units of each item that are required in the assembly of the component at the next level above in the product structure.
Some key data relating to components K3 and M4 are provided below.
Standard Order
Stock Order Lead-time
Component On-Hand Quantity (Weeks)
Item K3 5,000 4,000 2
Item M4 5,000 5,000 1
Item H1 Use data from part ‘a’ of the assignment
Additional Notes:
a) Items H1, K3 and M4 may only be ordered and assembled in fixed multiples of their standard order quantity.
b) All deliveries are received at the start of the week they are due. They are therefore available to the assembly process in that week.
OS201 (2014-15): O&PM Assignment 2
Tutors’ Answers to the Most Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Please could you clarify the deliverables for this assignment? What do I need to submit?
A: The task sheet asks you to submit the following things:
a) A graph of the expected inventory level (known as an inventory profile) for Item H1, covering weeks 1 – 20 of 2015. You may produce this graph in Excel, or construct it in Powerpoint, or draw it by hand and submit it as a .pdf file. You will have to carry out some intermediate steps before you will be able to construct the graph, so please make sure that any key replenishment parameters are highlighted.
b) The average quantity (no. units) and value (£) of stock expected to be held for each of the 40 components (items A1 – H5), during the 52 weeks of 2015.
c) Details of a lower cost inventory management/replenishment policy, covering all of the 40 components (items A1 – H5), along with the total value (£) of the savings. Please show how you arrived at this figure.
d) Three full MRP records (one for each of items, H1, K3 and M4), covering weeks 1 – 26 of 2015. Items K3 and M4 are not included among the 40 components listed in the weekly usage file, but this should not prevent you from developing their respective MRP records.
Q: Which lectures/seminars cover the learning required to do this assignment?
A: All of the learning required for this assignment was covered in lectures 8 – 10 (i.e. the two inventory management lectures and the ERP/MRP lecture) and their related seminars. All of the materials used during these three weeks are posted on Studentcentral, and all are relevant to this assignment in one way or another. Please study these materials, along with the relevant chapters in the textbook and your own notes from the teaching sessions.
Q: I have read all of the relevant learning materials, but I still don’t know what to do. Please
will you help me get started?
A: We are willing to help you clarify your understanding of the assignment task, but one of
the things being assessed is the “ability to interpret quantitative data in context, in order to
support business planning and decision processes”. It’s a problem-solving assignment, so
part of the challenge for students is to work out how to tackle the problem.
One tip you may find helpful in tackling problems of this nature is to start at the point you
are trying to reach (i.e. the deliverable), and then to work back towards the start (i.e. the
data and other information you are provided with). Ask yourself questions, such as “What
information do I need to enable me to construct the inventory profile for Item H1?”. If
some of the information you require has not been provided, you will then need to work out
how to derive that information. Keep working backwards until you need nothing more than
the data provided in your ‘Component Data’ and ‘Weekly Usage Data’ files. Then, if you
execute the intermediate steps correctly, you should reach the solution.
Other than these comments, however, the provision of further guidance is not appropriate.
Q: Will you look at what I have done, to check that I’m on the right track?
A: Given the problem-solving nature of the assignment, and with approximately 300 students
on the module, it is neither appropriate, nor feasible for the tutors to look at draft work, or
to provide 1:1 guidance in this case. Also, we must remain fair to all students.
Item Week No. (2015)
Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52
A1 140 100 120 133 189 139 131 84 95 112 95 109 119 53 138 149 121 74 149 121 114 97 153 111 93 130 78 84 84 92 42 106 88 141 127 152 99 136 78 81 47 93 13 120 143 125 78 101 54 106 74 156
A2 222 153 134 323 90 268 252 100 138 124 71 166 265 102 126 152 229 177 200 166 288 162 113 184 142 239 257 367 137 184 155 289 204 163 192 91 175 168 222 174 208 315 152 253 176 297 229 186 229 168 197 225
A3 266 433 298 387 379 417 316 430 403 380 251 390 438 293 187 273 210 383 473 216 293 237 249 358 226 216 407 285 371 265 302 338 223 280 251 232 330 263 503 292 372 339 539 379 347 325 315 241 429 475 381 249
A4 570 212 348 484 335 356 392 516 387 535 428 672 690 276 302 417 542 336 560 184 314 391 337 493 231 393 306 337 820 467 60 338 831 462 521 278 366 349 388 543 527 540 594 542 759 530 499 537 116 460 329 227
A5 559 393 561 654 186 324 236 564 579 480 628 502 527 673 730 485 460 508 628 446 469 545 653 401 473 560 680 749 524 763 650 704 540 676 642 689 662 681 490 684 450 611 566 592 593 826 496 442 491 367 623 722
B1 325 220 228 122 213 269 182 113 171 111 210 250 242 258 207 106 225 251 217 241 202 142 158 147 309 142 225 217 228 279 199 271 238 243 174 274 204 167 262 234 115 349 241 193 166 234 205 108 140 279 210 272
B2 338 334 444 194 154 310 390 255 366 277 358 406 103 478 325 196 232 204 484 328 264 338 283 220 283 238 286 327 150 479 320 296 373 314 201 414 441 345 319 127 310 342 198 329 268 221 232 288 161 400 215 310
B3 423 532 466 323 486 445 423 401 380 516 301 249 669 379 321 262 384 417 251 381 589 323 282 329 181 222 447 288 512 646 334 423 430 500 653 452 397 320 382 224 439 360 324 464 618 406 641 461 367 430 320 279
B4 536 939 626 160 569 459 304 636 319 632 768 627 661 455 326 676 496 587 377 543 440 611 568 576 500 585 270 911 309 749 717 330 406 565 629 515 829 589 637 730 488 456 744 435 485 330 462 250 545 574 197 748
B5 24 140 65 154 145 224 131 168 114 117 155 144 75 107 93 94 161 185 131 137 94 93 117 174 126 160 112 139 124 117 92 98 97 159 124 78 145 125 175 137 150 127 125 126 134 177 196 98 229 77 46 122
C1 177 398 249 244 291 386 401 208 301 373 272 235 192 425 342 206 263 394 311 385 383 197 291 154 351 421 294 225 343 105 330 283 266 561 270 335 307 382 242 350 385 263 431 284 249 198 266 185 168 258 410 193
C2 277 433 365 367 286 301 318 517 248 405 441 201 378 642 327 352 109 477 346 50 503 294 335 308 469 150 416 360 259 89 496 276 441 346 526 612 373 346 595 392 430 548 456 488 565 315 607 381 456 441 463 450
C3 393 555 511 480 568 353 547 530 553 298 336 282 381 702 677 585 581 268 627 671 287 841 451 422 530 468 667 308 539 340 271 788 477 555 719 588 518 396 378 459 515 362 346 631 607 488 498 662 618 336 555 487
C4 104 179 159 72 62 136 138 160 168 95 137 123 119 53 134 114 74 161 133 27 116 129 126 150 107 134 145 182 145 192 109 150 187 71 28 173 153 94 73 136 148 96 110 39 192 83 132 157 197 189 192 142
C5 116 159 132 265 172 294 205 316 379 271 202 147 92 &nbs