Ethnography of Middle East
June 17, 2020
Oral care handout
June 17, 2020

Operationalizing Constructs

Operationalizing Constructs

In this module 3 SLP, you will build on your work in modules 1 and 2 to continue the development of your research proposal. Review the background readings for this module.

In this assignment, you are to write a paper in which you:
•Use your literature review to justify your three hypotheses, refine your path diagram, and discuss and justify how you would operationalize each variable in your hypotheses.

SLP Assignment Expectations
1.Expand, rework, and refine your literature review in response to your own further reading and your professor’s feedback. Keep in mind that you wish to work with a focus on supporting the three hypotheses you have developed.
2.Provide succinct and focused support for each of your hypotheses based on your literature review and your own theorizing. To help you build support for your arguments, be sure to use in-text citations as appropriate.
3.Revise the graphic representation (or path diagram) of your model based on the feedback you have received and the additional work you have done.
4.Provide definitions of each of the constructs/variables in your hypotheses.
5.Discuss how you will operationalize each of your constructs/variables. Almost all of the constructs/variables in your own three (3) hypotheses will appear in the six (6) to eight (8) background research articles that you have read. As part of grounding your research proposal in the existing literature, examine how the constructs/variables in your own hypotheses have been operationalized in the studies that you have read. Whenever possible, researchers will use existing relevant, valid and reliable measures that have appeared in previously published research. You should do the same, but remember to use in-text citations as appropriate. Also, where appropriate, discuss how you would go about operationalizing any constructs/variables that have not been used in your background studies.

General Expectations
1.Length, including revised work from earlier assignments, a total of 7–11 pages of double-spaced 12-point text, plus cover, reference page, and figure.
2.Structure: Narrative style, including a brief introduction in which you provide an overview of your paper.
3.References: Follow Campion’s (1997) rules for references (see background page).
4.Style: APA format.