SWAT Analysis SLP
July 28, 2020
International law
July 28, 2020

Operation Management

Operation Management

Using the concepts, tools and techniques studied in this module, critically assess how Zara and Primark compete in the fashion-retailing marketplace.
When reflecting upon their strategies you may focus on how they influence the operations performance from the design, planning and control or improvement perspectives and how the strategy is reflected on the operations of their stores.

The assignment should be completed in report format of no more than 2500 words and should include the following:

1) A summary of key differences between these two business models from a strategic operations management perspective.
2) A discussion on how these differences in their competitive objectives may influence the decisions of their product and operations features.
3) A trade-off analysis among the operations performance objectives, namely: cost, quality, speed, dependability and flexibility. Can the operations manager of the above firms overcome any of these trade-offs? Give some recommendations.