Article one
Author: UN News Centre, 30 July 2010.
Relevant topic: Introduction to field operations strategy
1.0 Introduction
Field operations strategy addresses different analysis and decisions to the concerned party, what to be done and how it should be done. Establishing an operational strategy puts in the considerations of operation decisions, analysis of the customer, competition involved and system capability to be utilized (Waters, 2006).
2.0 Article summary
The UN has to devise a new way for the functioning of missions in order to successfully support the field operations as reported by senior officials. A proposal has to be endorsed to renew the approach aiming to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the field missions, ensuring better use of available resources and also timely commencing of the operations. This comprised a five year plan to enhance the field services by the Department of Field support.
The department used logistic, administrative and technology in support of 32 peacekeepers and political missions that represented civilians, police and military. This strategy was debated in June 2010, and the Secretary General asked to expound it or start a new mission.
The proposed strategy was authorizing to the UN to operate in both global and regional approaches in delivering of services. It started a new establishment in Entebbe, Uganda to operate for the extended missions in the area and others like Brindisi.
A further specific proposal was formulated by Mr. Ban after consulting the other Member States. This was meant for the countries with a higher contribution of troops, their functions and necessary resources were to be transferred to the global services centre in Brindisi. It was later highlighted by the Field Support Assistant Secretary General that the new model incorporated other learning from field operations of the past.
In September 2007, a UN mission in the CAR and Chad was set up to assist in protecting the civilians and enhance humanitarian help to many unsecured people for both countries and Darfur. The agreement by the government to protect their borders was a means to completely secure its people. It was later argued by Mr. Banbury that, with a support strategy in place for the global field, it would be easy to deploy much faster and effectively to enhance the field operations.
3.0 Learning from the article
Its important to have global field support kept in place as it is a quick way of peacekeeping. The field operating strategy should be modified on constant basis as this increases chances of improving its modalities and ensuring effectiveness. The governments should ensure territorial security so as to protect its civilians from unexpected military attacks.
Article two: Quality Management
Author: Wikipedia Foundation Inc,
Publication and date: September 2010
Relevant Topic: Quality Management & six sigma
1.0 Introduction
Quality management is comprised of four components which are quality planning, quality control, quality assurance and quality improvement. It focuses on quality of services and products and necessary modalities to achieve it. It therefore utilizes quality assurance and control measures to achieve a more enhanced quality .This article relates to the topic in that quality management is applicable for quality customer service.
2.0 Highlights from the article
Quality management has been a recent advancement that has evolved through civilization and constantly advancing greatly with time. Several inventors have been involved in developing the quality management techniques for instance starting from United States and spreading all over the world. Shewhart a Japanese is an example of inventors for management where he formulated important points such as breaking barriers between operating departments, enabling the management know their responsibilities and leadership position, constant improvement and instituting an educating programme for self improvement knowledge. It assists clients to choose high quality products that meet their desired standards.
It has come to the realization of customers that this aspect is an important attribute in choosing products and services. It creates a competition that can be referred to as quality differentiation or quality gap. Various countries have come up with their developed standards of quality that meet international standards and acceptable customer demands. These are the ISO 9000 standards which are best known for quality management.
2.1 Principles of quality management
a) Customer focus: An effective organization should be in a position to meet customers’ demands and also exceed them. This applies to both internal and external customers.
b) Leadership: The involved leaders should establish unity and purpose of the organization and also direct it appropriately.
c) Involvement of people: This should be enhanced from all levels of people as they form an important role in developing and benefiting the organization.
d) Process approach: This is vital in achieving the desired set goals for an organization. Operations should be performed in a logical manner that display some sequence.
e) System approach: All interrelating processes should be identified and managed effectively to achieve the quality objectives of the organization.
f) Continual improvement: The overall performance should be continued for long lasting quality objectives.
g) Factual approach in decision making: The decisions should be based on concrete data and interpretation of information.
h) Mutual supplier benefit: There should exist a mutual benefiting relationship between the organization and the suppliers to enhance value to both.
3.0 Learning from the article
Quality management has influenced several ings such as manufacturing sectors, sales, marketing and customer service in general. It applies to the general operations of any organization. There are various methods for improving quality and they are based on different quality standards.
Article Three
Title: Capacity Management
Author: SM Thacker & Associates, 2010.
Relevant Topic: Strategic capacity management
1.0 Introduction
Capacity management can be categorized into 2 groupings which are capacity planning and capacity control. The capacity planning in a typical business has four levels.
2.0 Summary
Level one: strategic capacity planning
This involves coordinating capacity for business units where plans are devised to be implemented. All necessary considerations are put in place such as the feasibility of the plans, required capital and forecasted profits.
Level two: Development, sales and operations management
This is overall managerial skills that aim to meet the demands of the business. In other words, they make it possible for the designed plan to happen. It basically implies the implementation of plans and controlling them to ensure effectiveness in the business operations.
Level three: Work flow or process schedule
This involves scheduling individuals into different functions of the organization. The evolution of the computerized era makes it simplified as information processing becomes easy. However, considerations on the costs involved are important as this is a sophisticated technology that requires high costs.
Level four: Process management
In this level, it involves practicing the best methods for the individuals. Important issues such as running speeds, settings of the process and desired shortest lead time are applied. Various methods are applied like the design of experiments to measure the effectiveness and influences on the process.
Capacity control
This is an approach of 3 dimensions that investigate the overall equipment effectiveness although it has been considered inadequate. A different approach has been put in place to measure the effectiveness of the process. Capacity control is operated in all levels of the management.
3.0 Learning from the article
People in business management can be said to be short of planning process in the capacity management in all the four outlined levels. The most considered valuable aspect one can lack is the process of strategic capacity managing. Capacity control is very important as it helps to avoid conflicts in the operations. Simplicity can be a means to improve output and work flow of the organization.
Waters, D. (2006). Operations Strategy. London: John Yales.