Operating Systems First e-Activity

xxy chromosome
May 11, 2020
Is Free Trade Passé, Paul Krugman
May 12, 2020

Operating Systems First e-Activity

Operating Systems First e-Activity

Use the internet to research the major reasons why some users avoid implementing and using Windows 8. Additionally, research whether or not Microsoft has taken any

steps to alleviate any of these concerns.
Q-1From the first e-Activity,. examine two (2) of the most common reasons that some users are avoiding Windows 8. Determine whether Microsoft has taken any steps to

address these user concern and, provide at least one (1) example if they have taken action. If Microsoft has not taken any steps to address these user concerns,

recommend at least (1) course of action they could take in order to address the concerns. Justify your answer.

Second e-Activity
Use the internet to research three (3) types of user interfaces available today. Be prepared to discuss the various interfaces, the advantages and disadvantages of

each to an end user as well as a systems developer, and which one (1) you would prefer.
Q-2 From the second e-Activity, examine the ease of use and the pros and cons of three (3) types of user interfaces to the user today. Determine the user interface

which is the most efficient and user friendly. Provide a rationale for your response.