Online Assessment Identification

Demography Country profile (Comparative Analysis) Iceland and Georgia
October 8, 2020
Reflective Essay
October 9, 2020

Online Assessment Identification

Online Assessment Identification
During this phase of the project, your team will identify a classroom-based assessment of any subject content that can be converted and used in an online learning environment. The team will also outline how to apply the principles and strategies to develop this online assessment. Note that online tests, quizzes, or exams are not included in this project. The purpose of this online assessment is to examine assessment for learning or assessment as learning.

The outcome of this phase will be a report not to exceed five pages. The report should address the following information:
1.The Classroom-based Assessment
Identify a classroom-based assessment that can be converted into an online format
Briefly describe this classroom-based assessment, including its purpose (assessment of, for, or/and as learning), measure instrument, relevant learning content, target learners and their learning characteristics.
List objectives that this classroom-based assessment serves
Describe how the assessment is facilitated in the classroom setting.
2.Needs Analysis
Identify any challenges or limitations to assess students in a classroom setting by using your chosen classroom-based assessment
Briefly explain how an online assessment may address some of the challenges or issues of the classroom-based assessment, or how the online format can strengthen the effectiveness of the classroom-based assessment
What is the purpose of your online assessment?
Based on the objectives you listed in the above section 1. The Classroom-based Assessment, identify and list only one objective that measures higher thinking skills and can be suitable for developing your future online assessment.
Explain the reasons you choose this objective and outline its possible learning outcomes in an online learning setting. To what extent will the learning outcomes be different from the classroom-based assessment?
3.The Challenges
List any potential challenges regard converting your chosen classroom-based assessment into an online format.
Explain whether and how these challenges can be perceived as opportunities for creating a positive online learning experience for remote students
4.The Principles of Effective Online Assessment Development
Based on the challenges identified in section 3. The Challenges, list at least four principles that can be used as guidelines to convert and develop your online assessment.
Explain why each principle is considered

Support your statements with evidence from the Required Studies and research.
Use APA formatting on your paper. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.