This writing assignment is designed to give you the opportunity to apply the sociological perspective to a newer area in the study of deviance, the Internet. You will need to use course materials and research materials to complete the assignment. You are to choose one of the following three options for your second short writing assignment. Your paper should be four pages, typed and double-spaced, with one-inch margins. Include a descriptive (and interesting) title and page numbers. Don’t forget to include your name! Your references should make the fifth page. You are to upload the paper by the deadline.
1. Internet Gambling. Develop a paper by gathering information on the growing problem of Internet gambling on campus and provide a description of it. Explore the extent of gambling and determine who is gambling online. Explore the reasons why many students seek this escape and what can be done to help those who become compulsive gamblers. Connect your findings to the explanations for gambling presented in the course materials. Finally, summarize your research and suggest other ways a college or community can help prevent gambling problems.
2. The Legal and Ethical Framework of Cybersex. Develop a paper on the ways the Internet challenges traditional laws and ethics. Review the First Amendment and the efforts of some legislators to control Internet content. Explore some of the controversial deviant material on the Internet such as cyberporn or cybersex in terms of the law and its protection and traditional ethical standards. Connect your findings to the explanations for Internet deviance presented in the course materials.
3. Islamic Cyberterrorism. Develop a paper on the potential of Islamic terrorists to disrupt parts of the U.S. electronic infrastructure. Outline the potential threat if terrorists could shut down large segments of the Internet and describe ways that the government protects crucial systems. Explore the text’s report that most experts doubt Islamic terrorists will ever gain enough knowledge to do any major damage. Connect your findings to the explanations for terrorism presented in the course materials.
Activity Description
Working individually, you should:
Choose one of the three topic options
Write a paper of four pages, typed and double-spaced, with one-inch margins that:
includes a descriptive (and interesting) title and page numbers
addresses the questions and tasks outlined in the topic
Submit file by choosing Browse, selecting the your files, and then choosing Upload this file by the deadline