Obamacare: Is affordable healthcare a good or a bad bill for American

A Slippery Slope: How Global Warming Increases International Poverty
October 8, 2020
Chapter 1        
October 8, 2020

Obamacare: Is affordable healthcare a good or a bad bill for American

Obamacare: Is affordable healthcare a good or a bad bill for American

This course contains a course project where you will identify and solve a healthcare problem.
Assuming you have been listening to the news or following the talk shows the last 6 months
(more like 2 decades), you know that healthcare is a key and contentious issue in America.
There is no shortage of concerns, nor are there approaches on how to best solve them. (Some
people call healthcare, from a problem standpoint, a target-rich environment.) The course
projects requires you to identify a problem and, using the below model, to arrive at a
recommended solution along with its implementation. The course project is a key academic
activity. Because of its importance, you may need to commit time throughout the course. Below
is a review of the project academic expectations, evaluation criteria, and examples of how to
write an effective problem statement.
Academic Requirements:
Format: There are two main content sections:
(a) Introductory (non-content) material.
1. Title page,
2. Table of Contents,
3. Executive Summary:
(b) the body (Content sections 1-8 listed below).
Content: Write a problem-solving, decision-making research paper that is no less than 18 pages
and no more than 22 pages of content (body of paper) and is double spaced. It should be based
on your chosen subject, in which you convince your readers to support your recommendation.
Details on format and content follows:
Supplementary information: Appendixes, exhibits (supplementary charts and graphs) and a list of
illustrations, if appropriate.

Use Applied Business Research Techniques:
Guide your approach to solving the business problem and use tools such as the Internet,
Keller’s Virtual Library, and other on-line and in-library resources to conduct business
research to gather information and support for your proposal. Go to http://www.google.com for a
good research engine.

Using Keller’s Virtual Library:
Log on to http://library.devry.edu/ through your Internet Service Provider (ISP) and browsers
(such as Netscape or Microsoft Internet Explorer), click on Graduate Resources and follow the
instructions on the page.

Follow the on-line instructions to conduct your information search. The home page has an
easy-to-use Help Guide that provides an overview of the database and answers to specific
questions about usage.

Getting Started:.
Good communication begins with critical thought. Think about the chosen subject.
-Who is your audience?
-What is your purpose?
-What do you know about the situation?

Let your answers to those three (3) questions guide you as you research your topic, acquire
information, and develop your business recommendation. You may also use the answers to those
three (3) questions to guide you as you outline your subject. Don’t use information just
because you have it, use information because it will help you accomplish your objective.