1-Review the 2 position papers Nutrition and Athletic Performance and Exercise and
Fluid Replacement. For each paper, identify and describe two Grade II (or B) and one
Grade III (or C) recommendation. What differentiates these two levels of evidence
grading from a Grade I (or A) recommendation? Find the papers in the attachment.
2-Why is it important to implement evidence-based grading to statements when providing
information in a position paper and making nutrition recommendations? How can the
field promote the availability of more Grade I (or A) recommendations?
3-In the powerpoint file, titled Sports Nutrition Research Examples, review the 4 study
abstracts (listed on the 4 slides). List what type of study design was implemented for
each study (i.e. experimental, epidemiological/observational, case study, etc.). Explain
your rational for assigning each category.