October 18, 2020
antebellum Slavery and the south
October 18, 2020





FN 164 Sports Nutrition

Fitness Magazine Diet / Supplement Ad Analysis


Name of fitness magazine ________________________________________________

Date of magazine _________________________________________________

# of weight loss ads in magazine ______________

# of non-weight loss nutrition supplement ads in magazine ______________

# of food ads in magazine ____________________

# of food ads for nutritious whole foods _____________

            These nutritious foods were:




What you noted:  (Discuss 4 different weight loss products or supplements marketed)

Please print legibly or design your own table including the following information!


Product #1 Product #2 Products #3 Products #4
Product Name:


Statements made about the product




Personal testimonial claims




Too-good-to-be true claims




Money back / satisfaction



Quick fixes





Meaningless jargon








Answer the following:
  1. which parts of the ad are true




  1. which parts are fiction




  1. why would someone buy the product?



  1. whose interests

are met by the








Your comments and feedback on what you learned by doing this fitness magazine ad project:









**** Staple your ads to your project (you may cut out the originals or attach copies)****