nurses perception of patient satefty cutlur in north hospitals

1 EDU30014 Health and Physical Education Teaching Period 1, 2015 EDU30014 Health and Physical Education Assessment 1: Health and physical education fo
June 21, 2020
Ecological History – Catastrophes (Poster & a critical reflection)
June 21, 2020

nurses perception of patient satefty cutlur in north hospitals

nurses perception of patient satefty cutlur in north hospitals

Project description
Criteria to be addressed in research proposal evaluation:

1- Title page

2- Problem statement, purpose, questions, hypothesis, variables, definition of terms.

3- Conceptual or theoretical framework utilized.

4- Quality and depth of literature review, use of current references.

5- Methodology: state whether study is quantitative or qualitative, design, sample size/type/selection, instruments for data collection, study procedures, subject protection

6- Data analysis: method and findings

7- Limitations, conclusions, recommendations, ( researcher’s interpretation of findings)

8- Link with nursing practice, education ( researchers and your viewpoint)

9- References page

10- Adhere to APA format: spelling error free ; headings, margins


A- Research design

1- Identify whether the study is quantitative or qualitative.( the study will be quantitative

2- Identify the type of design ( ethnography, correlation ,,, etc )

3- Provide explanation about choice of design.

B- Sample, population

1- Describe the population to be recruited for the study. State the size (n) and demographics preferred. Identify inclusion and exclusion criteria.

2- Identify the selection process. Randomization and type of sampling.

C- Instruments

1- Identify the instruments for data collection

2- Include information about validity and reliability ( from the literature)

3- If a mailed survey will be used. Identify the steps that will be taken to administer and follow up to obtain a high response rate.

D- Data collection Procedures

Collection process to be use

E- Human subjects Protection

1- consent procedure ( form)

2- how will subject be informed about the research study?

3- how will subject be protected to ensure anonymity or confidentiality ?

part 5 data analysis methods :

A- Method: identify type of statistical test ( for quantitative research ) or method ( for qualitative research)

B- Provide explanation about choice of analysis procedure.

C- Explain how result will be displayed.

part 6 applicability to Nursing / link between nursing research and nursing practice :

A- Nursing practice

B- Nursing education

C- Nursing research

D- Nursing administration