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July 18, 2020

Notions of Home

Order Description
Essay regarding the Book
A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah.involves the change in his understanding of home and place. Details uploaded.
ENG 91 Parisi 5Take-Home Essay #2:Notions of HomeA large part of Ishmaels experience involves a change in his understanding of home and place. (You can use
this sentence as the beginning of a paragraph for your essay.)
What is Ishmaels experience of home and village life as a child growing up? What associations would
probably come to his mind (what words and phrases would he think about, just thinking about home?) as
he thinks about home before the war? As he moves from village to village, how does his experience of
home and village life change? In What ways do each of the villages he encounters twist or up-
end (turn upside down) his early experiences of home? (Note contrasts and ironies.)
What changes has he seen take place around him? (e. g. At this early point in the story, Ishmael has seen,
He has witnessed, . . He has begun wondering/fearing/ realizing.
Part Two of the essay:Compare Ishmaels early experience of home and village life with your own experience of home and the life of
the community you come from. (You could use your early home experience or ANY community-social group,
peer group, special or professional group.) Note similanties and differences. 1
Discuss how the experience of home seems to change as people grow older or as time passes. Do you think
changing our minds about home is part of life? Explain.