sources: peer reviewed articles and books that can be viewed online.The Nordic welfare model, why is it working and why is it not?
The Nordic welfare states are based on a shared political goal of encouraging strong social cohesion. The Nordic social model is renowned for the universal nature of its welfare provision, which is based on the core values of equal opportunities, social solidarity and security for all.The Nordic model is also characterised by strong ties between welfare and labour-market policy. The welfare system is mainly funded by taxes, which are relatively high in the Region.The Nordic welfare model is based on innovation, and it is flexible i.e. it is specifically designed to meet new challenges. The Regions ability to balance strong welfare schemes, high tax rates and economic growth has attracted interest from other parts of the world.Abstract: In 3 or 4 sentences write the main points of your paper (it is a summary)Structure of the paper:1. Introduction2. Literature survey: Discuss the concepts and theories used in your paper and mention existing literature (some important books or articles)
For example what is meant by welfare, economy, Nordic model , Nordic states. And who were the first people to discuss each one of them.3. Discussions4. Conclusions5. References [More the better but make sure you use them in your writing and they are relevant][For citations use APA style. Authors last name, year, page no., If you are in doubt go to Google for help]