Nikhil SHRM Assignment Academic Essay

US Charities Academic Essay
August 15, 2020
August 15, 2020

Nikhil SHRM Assignment Academic Essay


Assessment 3 gives you the opportunity to apply theory and research in a practical way by critically

analysing the practice of strategic HRM in organisations. You have two options to choose from in

this assessment task. Prepare a report that answers one of the following questions.

Option 1 Workplace-based project

Critically analyse one of the following practices in an organisation known to you using the

outside/inside approach to strategic HRM. Focus on ONE segment of the organisation for ease of


a. Performance management (Topic 7), or

b. Knowledge management (Topic 8), or

c. The learning organisation (Topic 9).

Assumed knowledge of Topics 1-4.

Make recommendations for improvement. What HR professional capabilities might be relevant for

the implementation of your recommendations? If it is appropriate, you may like to inform the

organisation of the results of your work and discuss this with relevant people. If you decide to do

this, feel free to include feedback on this in your report.

Option 2 Web-based critical analysis

Visit the cultural diversity pages of the Westpac web site and gain a thorough understanding of the

way that this company has addressed the recruitment and selection of indigenous Australians

through its Reconciliation Action Plan. Provide a critical assessment of the approach taken to

recruitment and selection for this segment of Australian society using relevant theory and research.

Make recommendations on ways to improve. What HR professional capabilities might might be

relevant to your recommendations, and why?
Dear Writer You may choose any of out of these two options I don’t have problem. Please choose easy to understand and could score best marks.

Please do not hesitate to ask me any question.

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Posted on May 14, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions