Nike’s reward and remuneration in the United States and India

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Nike’s reward and remuneration in the United States and India

Nike’s reward and remuneration in the United States and India



Order Description
Select one organization: Nike
Select two countries: United States and India
Select one topic: Reward and Remuneration
The objective of this exercise is to compare how one MNC approaches one topic in two different country contexts. The body of the essay in this case should include brief descriptions of how the MNC approaches the topic e.g. reward and remuneration in the two countries, and a critical analysis of what you have discovered about this from your research. The analysis should compare and contrast approaches taken by the MNC in each country to the topic e.g. reward and remuneration, and the major external factors (e.g. historical, political, economic, cultural, institutional and industry –related factors) plus factors internal to the MNC (e.g. strategy, structure and organizational culture) that in your view, based on the evidence you have obtained, have influenced the development of its approach in each country. (Note that you don’t have to include all these factors – you just have to choose what you consider have been most important.