New Product Development
The first and foremost way of the development of the new product is the formation of the task committee that is entitled with coming up with the viable ideas to be executed. This whole idea entails placing the qualified personnel’s within the serene and conducive environment for execution of the entire ideas. These qualified personnel normally composed of both the people who are artistic creative and scientific creative. This is mainly based on the creativity which normally leads to the development of new products within the market that are more efficient and effective. These innovative ideas are found within the computerized database of the respective companies.
This normally generated via the assigning of the business for concepts generation. The ideas are normally from the diverse fields such as engineering handbooks, market research, projects audits, design strategies and test market final results. The best ideas within the field are normally rewarded thus enhancing the spirit of innovation. Most of the ideas are developed in the form of the technique known as the itemized response where the respective new employees normally find out the workability of the ideas in question prior to its exhaustiveness. These expertises are normally entrusted with looking into the issues that might affect the outcome of the project. There are numerous things that hinder innovation such as social cohesion within the organization, lack of the sense of belonging of the employees of the respective companies, insufficient cross functional diversity and lack of goodwill for the management to implement the ideas.
The development of the new commodities within the company normally entails complex concepts that tend to look into the viability of the product. The major concepts in the development of products entail the three inputs namely form, technology and the benefits of the new product to the company. The form entails the final physical component that the company intends to make taking into account the materials needed for it accomplishment. Technology entail the origin of the idea to be executed whether it is workable and the benefit of the development of the new product to the esteem customers whether it meet their expectations and satisfaction. Among the three concepts of development of a product, companies normally consider the benefit first before everything else in order to compute the returns they may get from it that might also be translated to their respective customers. The level of the creativity of a person is normally measured via utilizing of the standard MBTI originality index that is based on the individual traits scales. These values entail perception, physiological factors such as discerning sensory and the level of eloquence.
The company management has decided to differentiate its car models that has made BNW to change and move to the another design that is the same with the present car models.BMW 7 series is the recent model that is introduced with the technological assistance such as the innovative safety features. These safety features entail lane Departure caution together with the Lane alteration caution systems. The management strategies for accomplishing this are reliant on the four major principles. These principles encompasses the protection of the company`s creative team from other competitive companies, conservation of the artistic and scientific process within the company thereby coming out with the best and unique product amidst the numerous companies. The BNW 7 series company has also embrace the strategy of creating the post of the inventive communicator who assess the viability of the planned executions within the company and then finally inculcating the method of close teamwork amidst the designers and the company`s engineers. This has enabled the BMW 7 series to be designed to propel modernization and stretch the limitations of the existing models. The new design of the BMW 7 series has thus led to the creation of the new markets with the escalated union of the existing companies to work together in order to enhance the market influence of the companies thereby increasing the sales. This management chart is workable within the boundary amidst the teaming up organization in forms of projects. The proper management chart has made BMW 7 series to emerge has the very important technology advancements within the automotive industry incorporation with other better driving experience that add to the safety of the pedestrians and drivers.
Business organization operations strategy normally gives an overarching framework that determines ways through it can priories and uses its available resources in gaining the aggressive advantage within the prevailing marketplace. Mercedes S class company has embrace specified methods of the designing its products that aids the company to proper within the competitive market. The sequence of the designing of the Mercedes S class commence with the body shop of the entire vehicle. This stage entails looking the appropriate body design that is appealing and technologically accepted with the regard to the preference of the customers. This is done by the expertise that is knowledge in both the artistic and scientific creativity. The body of the vehicle normally entails the machinery equipments such as shaft and axles within the truck plants known as the Sao Bernardo manufacturing firm. The engine together with the gear box for the Mercedes S class is manufactured from Germany with high quality materials. The final step is the assembly of the core sub-assemblies. This ensures that the company saves on the cost and the diverse logistical questions. Carrying out of the separate assembly of the body parts is economical has every section of the assembly has its logistical cost incurred. Mercedes S class is normally assembly in parts in order to decentralize the production cost of every assembly. However, it is imperative in carrying out of the separate assembly but help in reducing the total costs within the process of construction, logistic and taxes on the premeditated plans of the company and guiding principle of incentives. Mercedes S class sub-assembly ensures that not much money is spent on the assembly but the final product is of greater value.
Generally, the designing strategy for the BMW 7 series is much advance than that of the Mercedes S class since it incorporates several technologies that cut across. The strategy is aimed at protecting its expertise’s and also protecting the consumer’s themselves via introducing the devices that give caution to the drivers incase there is any danger. It assembly is also done by the company`s employees thus safeguarding the confidential secret of the company from leaking to their competitors such those of the Mercedes S class where assembly is done in diverse industrial plants. This makes the company`s to be vulnerable to hacking and theft by the respective fierce competitors.