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Paper details:

Your task is to draft a top-level design of an enterprise-wide network for a fictitious company, including

requirements, LAN topology, and WAN infrastructure that will handle a constant stream of traffic between



You has been tasked with implementing a network solution for BTLS of Tampa, which is a privately owned

marketing firm. The firm has three office locations;

• The home office in Tampa, FL with the CEO, VP, Network Administrator and 4 staff members. This

office needs to provide e-mail services, web hosting, and file sharing for the remote offices. The

network service provider should provide at least 6.0 Mbps download speed.

• Macon, GA office with 3 in house staff members and 6 mobile users with notebook computers.

• Warner Robins, GA office with 4 in house staff members and 4 mobile users with notebook computers.

For the writing portions no abstract is required. The diagrams you must use a professional Network Diagram

program such as Visio.


Define the network topology in each office LAN, and define and describe the structure of the WAN to

interconnect the offices. Describe the types of equipment you will need, and explain how you will meet the

performance reliability requirements. Discuss the relevant protocol choices for both the LANs and the WAN.

Throughout each step of the project you will be sure to address three key areas in Networking;

Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability.

Part I

Part I of the project includes a paper with 500 to 1,500 words in length including the following: Describe the

LAN topology design that will be used at each office, the paper should follow APA format. In this section you

do not address the WAN environment. The company requires a website and e-mail services. As part of your

plan give the Domain and Website a name. Include a minimum of 1 scholarly reference to support your cabling

and LAN topology choices. You must address confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data and network

services. You will also submit a network diagram of the LAN for each office that includes the following:

Answer in detail and justify your answers!

What type of cabling will you use?

How many Servers will you use?

What Operating Systems on each machine?

What services and protocols on each Server?

Provide general machine specifications for each TYPE of computer (desktop, mobile, servers).

What type of network connectivity devices will you use?

What type of printers will you use?

What type of phones will you use?Part II

Design a wide area network (WAN) between offices. Describe the general type of WAN connections and

network hardware that will be used to interconnect the offices. Discuss which organization(s) will serve as your

Internet Service Provider. When selecting your ISP(s) you must carefully explain why you are going with this

particular company instead of some other ISP. What benefits do you gain by using the company that you have

selected? Will you use MPLS, Frame Relay, ISDN? Why?

You must address confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data and network services. This deliverable will

be a paper of 300 to 600 words plus a network diagram with a legend. The paper should follow APA format

with no references required.

Part III

For Part III you will simply create the naming scheme for BTLS of Tampa. In this section you will determine

the name of your domain and choose how to handle usernames and passwords.

Domain Name: _____________

Usernames: _____________

E-mail Addresses: _____________

Password requirements: _____________

Now, you will need to log into a Windows 2003 or 2008 Server running Active Directory. You have numerous

options on how to do this – the two easiest are to either create a virtual machine on your home PC or even easier

to way to accomplish this is to use one of the free Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Online Virtual Labs – – Your Chapter 9 Assignment will help

you understand this section.

Once you have access to Windows Server running Active Directory – you should create user accounts for each

member of your team following the naming convention created above. Take a screen shot showing all team

members with a newly created standardized naming convention.

Part IV

Justify a decision on whether your network design will support dial-up or VPN remote access.

How will your mobile users connect to the office?

Will the users have mobile internet, if yes, how?

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of your remote access solution.

Describe the network protocols that will be used on your network.

Describe the office applications and location of servers to support your business applications.

The paper should be 250 to 750 words in length and follow APA format with a minimum of 1 reference.Part V

Plan a high level backup and disaster recovery plan for a business. In addition, discuss the security of the

network and suggested best practices for securing the business network. The company should have a

contingency plan in the event that the home office is unavailable. The paper should be 300 to 1,000 words in

length and follow APA format with a minimum of 1 reference.