Specific Areas Description of requirements
Synthesized Body Paragraphs
Body paragraphs must generally include at least two sources that discuss the main idea or theme of the paragraph stated in the topic sentence. Synthesis of two or more sources is not always possible for all body paragraph main ideas but should be indicated throughout the paper.
Unified Body Paragraphs
Every research paper body paragraph sticks to the main idea or theme stated in the topic sentence. This is a chief indicator of an A paper.
Paragraph Coherence
Ideas within each body paragraphs connect smoothly one to the other. The reader should be guided logically and easily from one idea to the next within the paragraph. Internal transitional words and phrases are used throughout the body paragraph to keep the reader on track.
Paragraph Transitions
The writer shows how the main ideas of each body paragraph connects to the previous and next main idea. This is indicated in the topic sentence of each body paragraph. Again, the purpose is to guide the reader easily through the logical investigation of the paper”s research question
The overall paper is well organized. Each section of the paper builds on the previous section. Information is given to the reader logically without unnecessary repetition. Care is given to presenting ideas so that each idea builds on the next one. This requires some thought before writing but makes the composition of the paper easier for the writer.
Reference Page
Correct—no mistakes— APA academic format. See samples in the textbook.
In-text Citations
Correct—no mistakes— APA academic format. See samples in the textbook. Hacker—Section 60
Overall Clarity of Writing “
This is a holistic consideration which takes in the overall quality of the writing. The paper should be easy to follow. In other words, the reader should not have to struggle with sentences meaning, paragraph unity, paragraph connections. Ideas should be presented as simply and clearly as possible so that a college-level, lay reader—not an expert in the paper”s focus—can follow the investigation.
Main research question answered
By the end of the paper the reader should be satisfied that the main research question presented in the introduction has been thoroughly investigated from a variety of points of view. The writer has concluded the paper with not only a summary but a point of view on the main research question.
Grammar and Sentence Structure NOTE: This aspect of writing will only count in the grading of the final research paper. For the papers leading up to that paper the instructor will comment on correct sentence structure, grammar, and spelling but not use it in grading.