Multiplex Relationships Academic Essay

August 17, 2020
Topical marketing practice Academic Essay
August 17, 2020

Multiplex Relationships Academic Essay

Multiplexity refers to the extent to which two social connections overlap with a group or population. Multiplex systems are established when individuals enter into relationships through a series of connections. For example, perhaps you have a friend looking for a job. That person may ask someone to be his or her mentor and get advice on how to find a new job. The process by which the mentee searched for a mentor, and the mentor and mentee searched for jobs is part of a social network.

Now, suppose your friend finds a job on LinkedIn and decides to apply. The LinkedIn site identifies you as a person who might know someone in the company. Your friend might contact you via LinkedIn to ask about the company or advice on how to get your application recognized. You might be able to put your friend in contact with someone in the organization. You may also contact the person you know in the organization and tell them about your friend’s interest in the position. This is how multiplex relationships are created, nurtured, and maintained.

Write a 1320-1980 word paper on the concept of multiplex relationships. Include the following:

multiplex relationships and provide examples.
2.Illustrate the role multiplex relationships play in creating cultural norms and expectations.
3.Provide examples of the types of multiplex relationships are you a part of and explain how they affect how you portray yourself.
4.Explain how and why multiplex relationships could cause social anxiety.
5.Create and explain a design for a social networking site or program that would depended on multiplex relationships. What does it look like? What do you need to be a part of the community?

Refer to the course reading material and at least two scholarly resources to support your claims.

The Skvoretz and Agneessens (2007) article may assist in formulating your arguments.
Also use: Kahn, A. (2015). The ecology of diversity. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education.

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Posted on May 12, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions