Multimodal Transportation
Order Description
Provide a one or two page response for each of the following questions. Note: You may combine all questions under one document submission.
Book 1-Nordahl, Darrin (2009). My Kind of Transit: Rethinking Public Transportation in America. Center for American Places.
Book 2- Fernie, J., Sparks, L (2009). Logistics and Retail Management: Emerging Issues and New Challenges in the Retail Supply Chain (3rd Edition). Kogan Page
Book1 Reading- Chapters 4, 5, 8
Book2 Reading- Chapters 7-9
1.Based on your readings from book 1, what are the main advantages of each of the transportation means in each city? Which transportation means do you think is the most efficient in terms of cost and time taken for travel and do you think any one mode could eliminate the other? To supplement this reading go to the week 5 resource folder read the article entitled “General Motors and the Demise of Streetcars”.
2.Based on your readings from book 2 and the video below, why do you think it would be advantageous for a grocer to hold a limited amount of inventory? Give three possible reasons.
3.Research the concept of a multimodal transportation system and then explain how this varying mode of transportation aids retailers in their quest to get goods to market. To supplement this reading go to the week 5 resource folder read the article entitled “Intermodal Transportation Management Center System”.
Assignment Rubrics
Grading Criteria for Written Papers and Research Papers
Integration of course concepts 25%
Completeness of analysis 30%
Logically supported conclusions, recommendations 25%
Bibliographic support, APA format 10%
Grammar, spelling, and punctuation 10%
TOTAL 100%