Agirdag, Merry and Houtte’s (2014) research paper sought to find out the understanding of teachers
From a critical perspective, Agirdad, Merry and Houtte (2014) conducted their research comprehensively. The authors made a good choice of methodology in choosing mixed methods, design since it enabled them to analyze the data and test the hypothesis as well. Their presentation of skills is laudable, as they have also done a comprehensive analysis of the findings, including the relevant calculations. From a personal point of view, teachers in Flanders need to consider other aspects of multicultural education, apart from religion. Also, the teachers in Catholic and white schools need to be more focused on practicing multicultural education since the students are all unique.
In their article, Ogletree and Larke (2010) explore the need to employ multicultural education in early childhood programs. The authors also explore Bank’s five strategies or dimensions of developing and implementing programs in early childhood education, with respect to multiculturalism. According to the authors, the American population is changing rapidly, with the proportion of the ethnic minorities increasing daily. In this regard, the authors encourage that Banks’ five-dimensional approaches can be applied in early childhood programs. The dimensions will serve in content integration, knowledge construction, prejudice reduction, equity pedagogyand in empowering school social structure and culture.
Ogletree and Larke (2010) have supported their observations with a body of literature from credible sources. For example, the information about the rising proportion of the minorities is based on current statistics, which are very significant to the relevant stakeholders in the education sector.
From a personal perspective, the recommendations made by these authors need to be considered by the US government. The fact remains that the US is a multiracial country, where multicultural education is needed even more than anywhere else. In consideration of the rising proportion of the minorities as compared to the natives, strategies need to be instituted to ensure the provision of education is effective. In this regard, Bank’s five dimensions are pivotal.
Agirdag, O., Merry, S.M., &Houtte, V.M. (2014).Teachers’ understanding of multicultural education and the correlates of multicultural content in Flanders.Education and Urban Society, 1-27
Ogletree, Q., &Larke, P.J. (2010).Implementing multicultural practices in early childhood education.National Forum on Multicultural Issues Journal, 7(1), 1-9.