geopolitical changes in Europe
May 18, 2020
The Open Boat
May 19, 2020

movie screen

movie screen

1. What’s your favorite movie of all times? Have you ever seen its script?

2. Where can you download the movie scripts from? Try to find the links online, download the script for a movie that you know well and try to read it. Pay attention to the format (that is, how it’s written).

Btw, you don’t need to finish reading the script, just learn the format. Unless you’re REALLY interested, go ahead then and read.

3. Did you find it difficult to read a story in a film script format? Or was it easy? What makes it difficult? Or easy?

4. The Hollywood format was created long ago. What for? Why so much fuss about a script format? (see more on "script format" in "Web links")

5. How long is usually a feature-length screenplay?

6. For any storyteller €“ a screenwriter, a director €“ what are the most important elements on the script?

7. What is a film story structure? What moments does it require?

8. What is the difference between a plot and a story?

9. There are character-driven scripts and plot-driven scripts? What are the differences?

10. Who is a protagonist?

11. Who is an antagonist?

12. Know several types of conflicts.

13. Why there are so many writers who become directors and directors who write? What do you think?