Motivation, stress and communication

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March 15, 2020

Motivation, stress and communication

Discuss about  Motivation, stress and communication………………………



This paper analyses the impact of workplace motivation, employee stress and organization communication on individual and business performance. It looks at how these elements have impacts on the performance of national academy school. Motivation is necessary in boosting the performance of workers in an organization, (Johnson, 2006). It is the fire that kindles the inner energies of workers. This paper analyses how motivation can be used in the school environment to achieve high employee performances. Different motivation strategies that shall be used are discussed in detail as well as possible impacts of these motivational strategies on the school performances.

Stress related effects on performances in many organizations are on the increase despite little recognition by many employers. It is currently costing not only the organization and employers but also impacts negatively on the overall economic performance of several countries. This paper highlights the impact of work related stress on organization, employees and the country’s economy. Communication should be effective for proper functioning of organization and the employees. This paper discusses different modes of communication that will be used in the school management and their impacts on school performances.

Job description of head principle

As the principle of the school, I am the overall educational leader in the academy; my duties include managing and implementing laid out policies, regulations and procedures to guarantee a safe and favorable learning environment that meets the approved curricula and educational standards. As the head principle, I report to school boards and work in collaboration with all stakeholders to achieve the mission of the school.

The head principle is collaboratively responsible for scheduling, curriculum development, overseeing extracurricular activities, and management of personnel and general operation of school facilities. The school principle should works to improve the academic standards of the school and instills responsible behavior among students, teaching staff and other school employees. The head principle is responsible for the planning, organizing, coordinating and controlling all school activities to ensure smooth running and functioning of school programs.

Motivation in schools

Motivation of employees is necessary in getting work done and assists in achieving outstanding performances through increased productivity, workers commitment and retention and smooth running of production processes for sustainable performance, (Johnson, 2006). Organization’s goals should incorporate motivation strategies so as to achieve high results. Management level employees, just like the school principle are motivated using different strategies which assume different forms such as positive reinforcement, effective discipline and punishment, fair treatment of employees, satisfying the needs of all employees, setting work related realistic goals, regular and appropriate restructuring of jobs and basing employee rewards on performances of employees.

Performance based recognition and reward strategy shall be employed to motivate both the management and junior workers in the school, which will translate into overall improvement in school performance. Recognition will come in different forms which include continuous quarterly commendations and criticism to outstanding performers, recommendations for promotion, awarding employees with certificate of recognition; verbal appreciation for work well done and financial rewards in form of bonuses and salary increases. Theses strategies shall be employed to reinforce self confidence, and are intended to promote repetition of good work behavior. Educational trainings and opportunities to both management and lower cadre employees of the school shall be used regularly to motivate employees to perform. This will help to enhance their skills and abilities which will increase their productivity as well as school performance. Education will be provided through scholarships, job based trainings, organizing training forums and workshops and providing paid study leaves

Effective discipline and punishment is another motivation strategy to be used while carrying out my duties and responsibilities as the head of school. Discipline is essential in a school environment, hence developing and enforcing disciplinary measures will be vital for the functioning and performance of the national academy. Since employees tend to slacken their performance over time, continuous coercion and control is necessary in maintaining employee performances. However, the application of this method in school environment will be used in extreme cases of underperformance. The use of criticism and other negative reinforcements will systematically be used to force underperformers to work hard. However, great caution shall be taken to ensure that such employees are not alienated and criticisms should not be made in the presence of other workers.

Fair treatment of all employees shall be one of the core objectives and strategies to be used in the school. For instance, rewards should be based of performance and must be seen to be unbiased by other employees; otherwise other employees might resent and get jealous,  and this might compromise the organization performance as well as employee output. Restructuring of jobs will be used to maximize individual talents of employees in the school. For instance, workers will be assigned tasks in accordance to their area of competence.

Above all, motivation strategies should be geared towards achieving the overall objectives of the school and must conform to the corporate strategy of the institution. Gender, economic/ financial condition of the school and other social issues affecting organization performances will be considered when formulating motivation strategies for the school. Other factors to be considered when formulating motivation strategies include security, type of work being performed and working conditions.

Stress management and performances

Work related stress has become common problem among employees all over the globe. Several groups of employees have articulated that most employers do not care about stress management. The impact of stress on performance is enormous hence the need to formulate stress management strategies in school environment. Workplace related stress may occur as a result incorrect matching of jobs with individual capabilities, with available resources and with the needs of the worker in the place of work. However, lack of relaxation has been identified as the major cause of stress related problems among employees; this has been enhanced with ambiguous organization rules and regulations which affect employee performance, (Medibank 2008)..

Work related stressors include: work factors; such as excessive working hours and unreasonable work demands, physical environment stressors; they include noise at the place of work, overcrowding, occupational health and risks besides ergonomic problems. Other stressors include organizational practices; which comprise lack of independence at work place, poor communication mechanisms and systems or channels and unclear roles, duties and responsibilities. Changes in work place; is another stressor, workers fear for the unknown consequences of change programs, because it may result into job insecurity, minimal job mobility and promotion and high turnover. Relationships in places of work place may result into stress because of office politics, office completion and conflicts, poor relationships between junior staffs and senior employees and even bullying in work places.

The school management will undertake appropriate policies and measures to address and manage stress among its employees which will constitute reducing work load, improve management and supervision of employees, develop supportive and friendly culture in the school, and offer better pay and benefits to help reduce financial stress. Other measures will include provision of vacations away from the working environment to enables employees to relax and have fun.

Impact of stress of performances

Failure to manage stress in workplaces will result into poor performances of the organization caused by low productivity and motivation, increased absenteeism and related costs, legal and financial damages and in most cases loss of employment. Low productivity by workers is mostly caused by stress because a stressed person cannot perform his duties comfortably. Low productivity among employees translates into increased cost of production for the organization which may lead to poor academic and financial performance for the school, (Medibank 2008).

Stress also causes health problems to employees hence leading to increased insurance cover for the employees of the company. This in turn will strain the finances of the school leading to poor performances occasioned by inadequate finances to run the operation of the school. Studies have linked mental and physical health conditions to workplace stress, which leads to nervous problems, tension, strain, anxiety and depression and prolonged level of stress may lead to heart problems which are life threatening.

Communication and organization performance

Communication in an organization is its lifeblood. Communication directly influences the morale of employees, productivity and trust within the organization. Effective communication is essential in accelerating the implementation of corporate strategies, maximizes production efficiency and operation of the school hence increasing the overall performances and success of the organization.

As the head principle, I will formulate policies that will result into development of effective communication system with clear reporting lines and provide communication equipment for quick and accurate transmission of information. Oral communication shall be used to communicate to staffs and students. It is also used by employees to communicate among themselves during normal business operations to get the message across.

Electronic media are another common form of communication used to reach different stakeholders. It includes use of e-mails, fax, teleconferencing and telephone among others. This method shall be used to reach distant individuals and is a quick means of communication. Internet communication through school websites shall be used to convey information to government and public and parents among other stakeholders. The use of internet and social media networks shall be employed when communication to public and other stakeholders.


Paper based communication shall be used in the school as the formal mode of communication and will be used in the formal response to customers’ queries, in recruitment process through letter of offer and promotion letters, communicating updates of school performances to different individuals and organizations and official communication of changes in the school.



Studies have shown that employee motivation, workplace related stress and organizational communication impacts greatly on the performances of any organization. Motivational strategies are essential tools of achieving increased productivity. Performance based motivational strategies should target employee performance and should not be biased. Any rewards for excellent performance should reflect the output of employee in relation to others.  Most employers recognize the role of motivation to the performances of their business. However, they have failed to recognize the effects of employees’ stress on business performances. Effective communication is a prerequisite for the proper functioning of organizations. As the head principle of national academy, i shall endeavor to motivate my staffs by forming relevant motivational strategies that will help foster school performance.  Stress management techniques shall be employed and effective communication systems shall be put in place to enhance school performance.



Medibank (2008): the cost of workplace stress in Australia, August 2008. Retrieved from

This online article by medibank analyses the impact of workplace stress on the economy of Australia. The study found a strong connection between occupational stress and the economic performance of the economy and the employer.

Sadri, G. and Bowen, R. (2011). Meeting employee requirements: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is still a reliable guide to motivating staff. Industrial Engineer Journal: IE, 43(10), 44-48.

This articles focuses of the use of Maslow theory of motivation which are still reliable useful in the organizations of today. Identifies benefits of that can be achieved by organizations that motivate their employees. He further outlines five basic human needs that motivate individuals to perform .his research findings indicate that most employers use motivation strategies to achieve better results.

Johnson, L (2006). HRMagazine Guide to Managing People. Society for Human Resource Management. E-book:  Society for Human Resource Management

Alexandria, Virginia. USA. From

This book outlines forty seven tools that can be sued by managers to communicate effectively, to manage diversity, to motivate workers and to strengthen employee skills. It also highlights tools and strategies that cab be used to assess the performance of employees and manage the workers.



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