For your essay, you should address the question: What was the moral framework at work in the Soviet bioweapons program? You should discuss at least two distinct features that you see of the morality constituting the Soviet bioweapons program. In formulating your essay, you should draw on at least one of the three frameworks discussed in lecture (Balmer, Daston, Gusterson). In addition, you must incorporate direct quotes from the transcripts listed on The Anthrax Diaries to illustrate your argument. There are some background readings available on Blackboard that you may also draw on to write your essay; you may not use any other sources for your essay.
• Write your name, section, and section TA at the top of the first page of your paper.
• Prepare a paper (3-4 typed, double-spaced pages, 12 pt font Times New Roman, 1-inch margins) on the above assignment.
You must use the APA Citation Style for your essay