Modernize technology and information management for a construction company IPO

Essay for Early American Literature
June 23, 2020
Not All Companies Are Viewed as Equal (Business Ethics)
June 23, 2020

Modernize technology and information management for a construction company IPO

Modernize technology and information management for a construction company IPO

The owners of XYZ Construction Inc. realize that they need to modernize their technology and information management systems within the company in order to make the organization more attractive for its IPO. Additionally, the owners see a value in using quantitative techniques to measure customer satisfaction, service quality, Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) workforce compliance, and new market evaluation.

Specifically, the company owners want you to describe and analyze the steps needed to plan, implement, evaluate, and control new technology that will enable them transform from a privately-held regional company to a publicly-owned international company. describe and analyze the aforementioned topics identified by the owners of XYZ Construction, Inc.

you must describe and analyze the following information management and quantitative techniques/statistics relative to this horizontal construction company:

1. Planning for Technology
2. Implementing a Technology System or Change
3. Technology Evaluation and Control