Mobilising creativity and innovation

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Mobilising creativity and innovation

Mobilising creativity and innovation

Order Description
Section / Title Details / Guidance
Title page Title of your report. Address (to/from) and date the report.
Executive Summary 200 word maximum summary of your report, including key recommendations.
Contents Page Include page numbers.
Introduction Short (approximately 300 words) introduction to the report setting out what the aims and objectives of the report are, what the report will cover and why. The importance of organisational creativity and innovation. Why is creative thinking difficult for many people>
Analysis Using third party sources (e.g. academic literature or practitioner-orientated material) for support, analyse the theoretical concept underpinning individual blocks to creative thinking and a critical evaluation of how structured techniques might be used to enhance creative thinking. You should make reference to any relevant models, and frameworks and provide evidence. (Approximately 1000 words)
Conclusions This section should initially answer the report aim and objectives and draw together the main points from your analysis of literature. It summarises what has been learned from undertaking this analysis. No new information should be presented in the conclusions. (Approximately 250 words)
Recommendations The recommendations for action should be linked to promoting and sustaining organisational creativity and innovation, or to enhancing the existing levels. In other words, your recommendations should cover conceivable contingencies for promoting individual creativity and innovation at work. (Approximately 250 words)
Reference List A list of all sources cited directly in the text. Harvard style
Bibliography List The sources you consulted but which you do not cite.