Design and develop a sequence of ICT-based learning curriculum
March 15, 2020
Sport marketing
March 15, 2020

mobile communication

Please complete the powerpoint and I will also need a word document of the script which is about two and half pages.
Your second graded assignment is to prepare a powerpoint-style presentation (other types of software, including Mac Keynote, Google Slides, Prezi, etc are also permitted, if you create PDF of the resulting file) that explores one of the topics considered in the second half of the course (theory & society, kids & culture, games & socializing, privacy & surveillance, or activism & democracy). The objective is for you to gain a working knowledge of a current issue in the field of mobile communications, and to share your findings to others in the class. You may pick your own topic, but it must be situated in one of the course units and approved by the tutor-marker.

You may optionally *record* your presentation (talk while you change slides, and record both your voice and the slides) and submit it as a video on YouTube. An example of how to do this is provided below.

Your presentation is not expected to cover an issue in depth. Rather, you are expected to understand and present the issue at an introductory level. Your basic research strategy should start by identifying the most important sources of information about the topic. Conduct an online search for research, news articles, blog postings, or other resources. Be sure to critically assess your sources. As you read, consider some of the following questions, which can help organize your presentation:

What is this topic about? How can I clearly explain it to someone else who doesn’t know anything about it? (e.g., how might you explain it to your friends, parents, or grandparents?)
Why does this topic matter? Is it a legal matter? Is it a moral or ethical issue? How does it affect Canadian society or people’s lives?
Who are the key people, companies, or stakeholders involved?
When did this topic first become important or relevant? How does it affect us in Vancouver? If relevant, how does it affect your own life?
Where is this topic most relevant right now? Is it a global phenomenon, or is it limited to certain countries or regions? If it’s limited in scope, explain why. How is it relevant to Canada, and/or to Vancouver?
How does (or how might) this topic affect our day-to-day lives? How is it being addressed in other countries?
You don’t need to answer all of these questions in your presentation, but they can help guide your research and structure your analysis. Aim for a concise, direct, clear presentation. Use key terms and concepts from the course when appropriate.

In some cases, illustrations or small tables of data may be helpful to your audience. If so, include them in your presentation as PowerPoint slides or other graphic formats. Be selective in your choice of illustrations.

Include the script for your presentation (about 5 minutes of speaking), along with a full reference list of your sources, including web links if applicable.

Your grade for the research report is based on the following criteria:

A 650 word script (see (Links to an external site.)) – to fit in the 5 minute limit.
Accuracy of research and clear, focused development of your presentation.
Identification of important sources of information about the topic, academic and/or popular (e.g., recent studies, journal articles, news stories, and so on).
Discussion of local and/or personal experience: how the topic reflects on your life, or the lives of your Vancouver neighbours.
Good use of the resources you find.
Good presentation style (clear, concise, good use of graphics or illustrations if applicable, etc).
Accurate use of APA referencing style in your reference list.
Be sure you understand the course policy on late submissions, the university policy on plagiarism, and how to reference your work in APA style. You’ll find several useful research and writing tips on the SFU Library website.

If you are interested in recording your presentation, this video covers Mac OS X’s native screen recording process, which is a feature of Quicktime. While Windows doesn’t have a built-in screen recorder, you can choose from a number of free third party options. (You can resize this text box by dragging the bottom right corner)