Mission and vision statements are words that the leaders in explaining the purpose and direction of their organization. The two can be motivating to the employees and all the stakeholders of the organization as they work to achieve their objectives. The statements explain the organization’s objectives and the reason for its existence. The statements are usually short but carry powerful information relating to the organization and all the concerned parties. There are mission and vision statements from companies that practice different styles of leadership. The mission and vision statements of the Southwest Airlines and the IBM Company will form an important part of the discussion.
The Southwest Airlines mission and vision statement is “We operate with a Warrior Spirit, a Servant’s Heart, and a Fun-LUVing Attitude”. The mission of the company focuses on the highest quality of services to their regards to their customers in which it aims at providing an environment full of warmth, friendliness, pride, and company spirit. The company aims at providing a stable working environment for its employees that allow learning and personal growth through creativity and innovation. Similarly, the employees get the same concern caring attitude and respect from the company. The company also focuses on the improvement of the community as it tries to make them a better place to live and work. The environment is very important in any lace and the company aims at its conservation through proper disposal of waste and conservation of the natural resources. One way is by using cost-effective and environmentally friendly facilities that help in reducing the amount of materials used through recycling and reuse. Southwest Airlines vision for a sustainable future entails a balance in the business operations and relations between the employees and the community. In addition, the company balances the environment and its financial viability as it strives to lead the industry in the innovative efficiency. The overall aim is to conserve natural resources, maintain a creative and innovative workforce, and give back to the community.
The IBM Company’s mission and vision statements are “Dedication to every client’s success, Innovation that matters, for our company and for the world, and Trust and personal responsibility in all relationships”. The statement guides the company in trusting the stakeholders in decision-making for the organization’s growth. The company has the aim of building strong and long-lasting client relationships to succeed in its operations. The company focuses on the outcomes, especially the clients’ success. Innovation is equally important for the company as its aim is to have focused thinkers who can take informed risks and have new ideas. The company also strives to be the first in the technology business and in policies that are acceptable by law. Trust and personal responsibility guide the company in relating well with the employees clients, investors partners, and the community.
The main similarities between the mission and vision statements of the two companies include their commitment in innovation by adopting new technology to improve their products. The two companies also aims at building the strong relationship with the stakeholders and the community to assist in their growth. Similarly, the two companies have a big focus on the provision of high-quality services to all its clients and have a good relationship with them. Both companies aim at strengthening their relations with the surrounding communities and improving their living conditions. The main differences between the IBM and the Southwest Airlines are that the later focuses on the employees’ welfare and participation while the IMB focuses on trust and personality of its employees. The southwest Airlines has a big focus on preserving the environment by recycling materials while the IBM’s focus is building a trustworthy team that is easy to work with. The Southwest Airlines also focuses on giving back to the community in addition to creating a good relationship while the IBM focuses on having a good relation with the community for their growth. The airlines also aim at offering the best services to their employees and the stakeholders while the IBM focuses on the client’s success and innovation for their company.
The statements have a big impact on the culture of each company as all the stakeholders are guided by their company’s statements. In the Southwest airlines, the welfare of the employees, clients, and all the stakeholders is the first priority creative a conducive environment for everyone to work. The company has a good relationship with the community and its environmental concerns make it outstanding among other companies. Anybody joining the team must adopt the culture of service to humanity as the company’s mission statements direct. The IBM has a culture of trust in all its stakeholders including the community in which everyone has a chance to contribute to the growth of the company.
The main servant leadership principles that stand out in the Southwest Airlines are that the company puts service to others before their self-interest as demonstrated in the manner in which the company treats the community. By using equipment and materials that help preserve the environment, the company demonstrates its concern for the surrounding community and the planet. The other principle is including the whole team in the decision-making especially on matters of innovation and creativity by providing the necessary tools for the job. people first is one of the principles evident in the Southwest Airlines as the company aims at providing excellent services to its clients, stakeholders and the community. The company’s leaders lead with moral authority by incorporating the views of the other parties such as the employees and the involvement of the community.
The companies incorporate the principles in their mission and vision statements in various ways. The IMB Company conducts research to enable it keeps up with the modern development as one of its mission statement concern innovation. The company assists their clients in building their private clouds and helps them in the management of such clouds to enable them transfer large data sources. The company, therefore, entrusts its client with the matters concerning technological innovations and creativity. The southwest Airlines demonstrates is principles of its mission and vision statements through service to its employees such as awarding them for their excellent services to their passengers. The company praises the employee who offers great customer services on a weekly basis to encourage them offer excellent services to their customers. Another way is by featuring the best performing employee in the Southwest Spirit Magazine and offering awards to and recognition programs to the best performing employees. In one case a customer of the Airline, Jessica, talks of the friendly relation with the company’s employees when she was seeing her husband off to work in Kuwait. The employees were patient to allow the family bid goodbye to their relative.
Each of the two companies is living to its mission and vision statements as shown by their operations in trying to achieve their best and offering the best services. The Southwest company serves has high regards for its employees and motivates them a lot and the IBM Company also engages in innovations to ensure that it drives its business activities to greater heights. The IBM Company can change its mission to incorporate the servant leadership and have more concern for the employees. Appreciating the role played by the employees and the clients of a company is very important for any organization such as the IBM.