Misconceptions in Middle Years Math

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Misconceptions in Middle Years Math

Misconceptions in Middle Years Math

You are required to produce 2 learning activities that focus on one strand of middle school mathematics to present to this middle school mathematics class.
For each activity you will;
Identify critical concept or group of concepts that will be elaborated and locate that concept/s within syllabus documents (Australian Mathematics Curriculum).
Provide a brief review of literature on difficulties or potential difficulties that students may experience in the study of this concept/s.
Provide a brief description of your approach to teaching this concept/s and a rationale for this approach.
Describe the activity in sufficient detail so that a novice teacher can replicate the activity in the classroom.

Provide an assessment tool that can be used to assess the learning of the concept/s by the case study student.
The Portfolio is to be 2000 words. The tasks are to be included as appendices.
The portfolio is a compilation of evidence that demonstrates significant learning related to this course. The portfolio must be presented as a coherent document that is united with contextualising text through which they tell the story?? of your learning. The text must be tightly focused and academically informed.
You can choose any particular unit in middle years (yr7-10) mathematics eg. area and perimeter, algebra etc
Can you please include the 2 activity sheets, I have paid for 8pages but only need between 1800-2000words. This gives you some extra for the task sheets. You can source the activities from the internet as long as they are referenced. The number of sources can be more than 6 if that is what is used