An event ( Norwegian one)
August 8, 2020
Marketing Concept
August 8, 2020

middle east geography

A. Getting there. This includes:
1) The airline name, flight time, cost and routing (ie, what connections you have to make) of a roundtrip, coach airfare. You can go from either MIA or FLL. Shop for the best deal with a reasonable travel time. You will lose points if you settle for a ridiculous flight that takes you 2+ days to get there. Hint when you search for a flight, pick one at least one month from the date your search. Prices will be better.
2) Costs/procedures for getting an entry visa. You must figure this out for the country from which you hold a passport. For some destinations, this may be trickier and possibly impossible (hint sometimes it helps to have pretend friends in the country).
NOTE: Even if you cannot get in your country easily, you still have to make the itinerary anyway.
3) Health, safety, and fitting in concerns: Are there any particular health or safety risks in all/parts of your destination. Also what should visitors wear so as to not offend the local population.B. Description of Destinations Context: Like any good traveler, it is important to know something about the place you are going. Here you need to include:
1. Climate: Describe what the weather will be like in each season. If you have a country (as opposed to a city), also describe what is happening in different areas of the country (eg mountains vs. coasts vs. interior). You should be able to do this in one long paragraph.
2. Historical Geography: Who all has lived there over the centuries? What was life like in the past? How did colonialism impact the destination? How did the country/city as we know it today come about? How did becoming independent change the country and the day to day life of its inhabitants? Have there been any major events since independence that changed the daily situation? This subsection should be at least 1 page.
3. Population: How much has your country/city grown since the beginning of the 1900s? What is the total population today? This should be a short paragraph.
4. Life today: What religion(s) and language(s) do people in your destination follow? What is the economy based on/what do people do for work? What is the current political situation like? Recent developments (new skyscrapers? Hotels? Museums? Public Buildings? Stadiums?, etc?) What is the social context (what is the divide between rich/poor, men/women (remember this can vary tremendously even in the same city), urban/rural? Are there minority groups and how do they fare?) What is an average day like for a citizen of your destination? This is a two page section on its own.C. The Itinerary
Assume you are taking off from South Florida and landing back here 7 or 8 days later. You must have at least 5 full days on the ground in the destination. Explain in detail what you will be doing each day. For each day (as long you are not flying), be sure to include:
1. Hotel. Pick a nice hotel that is sort of mid price-range for your destination. Please describe some of the distinguishing features of the hotel (good location, nice amenities, in a historic structure) that make it attractive to stay in.
2. Transport. How will you get around? (Taxi, subway, rental car, bus?) How nice will that mode be? What will be the cost? Will there be issues with traffic, checkpoints or road conditions? If you are traveling across country is road or internal flight a better option?
3. Eating. I want you to be as specific as possible by naming individual restaurants (or your hotel if you get free breakfast) and what you might eat there. If your destination doesnt lend itself well to finding individual restaurant names, at least tell me dishes that you are likely to eat while in your destination. Tell me how much the meal will cost.
4. Activities. Consider each day as having three blocks (morning, afternoon, evening). Describe what you will do in each of those blocks each day. Be specific about what you are doing and where you are doing it, make it seem appealing, and try not to repeat yourself (ie, do not find an all inclusive resort and spend everyday sitting on the beach one day is fine, but the whole week is excessive). If you end up shopping, tell me what you are shopping for. Remember, a good mix of sites includes (amongst other things) sites of historical importance, sites that demonstrate everyday life, and those of great architectural/natural interest.D. Total Costs
Give me a breakdown of total costs by category (remember, you are making the itinerary for two) and then add it all up to give me a final total cost. The categories are include:
Total Cost