Types of personalities
May 30, 2020
Leadership of Richard Branson
May 30, 2020

middle-class values

middle-class values

Form: 4 pages long PLUS a Works Cited Page, double-spaced, computer printed, MLA formatted, and 12 font.  If your essay is less than1200 words long following the above specifications, it will not pass, regardless of how good it might be otherwise.
NOTE:  You must submit this paper to Turnitin.com to receive credit for it and the English Department’s 4 Major Errors on Average Per Page Policy applies to this assignment (see syllabus).
Content:  Pick ONE option from the below.
OPTION 1:  Adopting middle-class values is difficult for many immigrants and for those in various working-class, blue-collar, and minority groups.  Argue that there is or is not too much pressure in American society to conform to mainstream values and include at least 1 quote that you agree or disagree with from My Two Lives and at least 1 quote that you agree or disagree with from Aria in order to support your argument.   Be sure to carefully define what you mean by middle-class values and mainstream values.  Some possibilities might include speaking English without an accent and obtaining a College degree, but you do not have to include these in your definition if you choose to write on this option.
OPTION 2:   Compare and contrast Jing-Mei in Two Kinds with Dee in Everyday Use.  Avoid a thesis arguing that there are some similarities and some differences. Brainstorm first, and decide whether you think that the similarities are more important, or the differences are more important. Then focus your paper so that you acknowledge the similarities, but primarily discuss the differences, or vice-versa.
OPTION 3:  Analyze the relationship between Pete and Donald in The Rich Brother via this question:  what seems to be at the core of their conflict with each other?  Be sure to support your position in response to this question with several supporting points and detailed evidence from the story.
OPTION 4:  Compare and contrast the relationship between Pete and Donald in The Rich Brother with the relationship between Sonny and the narrator in Sonny’s Blues.  Avoid a thesis arguing that there are some similarities and some differences. Brainstorm first, and decide whether you think that the similarities are more important, or the differences are more important. Then focus your paper so that you acknowledge the similarities, but primarily discuss the differences, or vice-versa.
OPTION 5:  The older brothers in The Rich Brother and Sonny’s Blues struggle to understand their younger brothers.  Which one seems more successful?  Why?
REMINDER:  Be sure to bring a complete Rough Draft on Peer Response Day or up to 10% will be deducted from the grade of the essay.
€¢    Draw upon ideas from the stories assigned, the group work, and whole class discussions that we have had.
€¢    Freewrite, brainstorm, and cluster ideas
€¢    Next create a ONE-TWO page outline of your paper with your working thesis, main points, and examples and quotes from the readings.
€¢    Create a draft of your essay without worrying about grammar errors.
€¢    Give yourself a few days to go back and look at the draft you have created and see what changes to the content you want to make.
€¢    Bring in 2 copies of your draft to get feedback from others in the class and from me.
€¢    Make any additional changes to the content and then proofread carefully for grammar errors, keeping in mind the English Department’s 4 Major Errors on Average Per Page Policy.


Critical Thinking (1-50 pts).   The essay is insightful, containing thoughtful, clear, well-developed analysis that adheres to all parts of the assignment and the option you choose.  If you choose Option 3 or Option 5, make sure your paper contains direct / explicit comparison and contrast, developing commentary on both the similarities and differences of the subject matter discussed.  ________________

Organization (1-20 pts).   The essay is organized so that it clearly addresses the assignment and the option you choose.   The essay contains a relevant introduction that moves clearly from general to specific.   The paper also has a 1-2 sentence clear, relevant thesis. The paper has a logical and clear sequence of main points and ideas that are relevant to the assignment and does not just follow a formula.  Well-focused paragraphs support all parts of the thesis.  The essay ends with a thoughtful, clear conclusion that extends the implications of the thesis by explaining why the topic of your paper matters to society.  ____________

Quotations (1-10 pts). 2 Required quotations from each story or poem you analyze provide detailed, relevant support with clear and fully-developed explanations of what the quotations demonstrate.  _________________

Grammar and Style (1-10 pts).  The essay contains an interesting, original title, extensive, varied, and appropriate vocabulary, and contains minimal syntactic, grammatical, and spelling errors as well as a variety of sentence patterns and overall sentence fluency.   _______________

MLA (1-10 pts).  The essay contains correct MLA page headings, properly attributed/formatted quotes, and MLA in-text citations tied to a correctly formatted MLA Works Cited Page.  ___________