Middle Childhood Development Academic Essay

reading response
August 25, 2020
Modern Era
August 25, 2020

Middle Childhood Development Academic Essay

Middle Childhood Development: Multiple-Intelligence Theories

Sternberg and Gardner have proposed multiple-intelligence theories against traditional theories that focused on a single view of intelligence. Critics of multiple-intelligence theories ask whether every specialized skill must have a separate intelligence. On the other hand, studies of the brain have shown that it processes different categories of data in different parts of the brain. Evolutionary psychology analyzes the functioning of the brain to explain the human mind.
Do you think that the evolutionary psychology approach answers the criticism leveled against multiple-intelligence approaches?
You may find articles on this approach on the Internet and in your local libraries. Also research information on how the human brain processes different categories of data in different parts of the brain. Write a reflective essay based on your research.

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Posted on May 26, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions