Leadership and the National Quality Framework Length
May 17, 2020
Australia and the World
May 17, 2020

Middle Childhood

Middle Childhood

Jerome and Priscilla Foster have two children; Ali, a male aged 12, and Jasmine, a female aged 10. When Ali was born, Priscilla had a difficult time with the delivery. The doctors had some concern about possible effects on the child. Their daughter was a result of a normal pregnancy and delivery. Neither Jerome nor Priscilla engages in the use of alcohol or drugs, as it is against their religious beliefs.
The Fosters live in what was a working class neighborhood that was supported economically by a local factory, where many of the men worked and earned a living wage. While the children were young Jerome earned enough money so his wife was able to remain at home with the children. Unfortunately, four years ago, the factory where Jerome and many of his neighbors, worked, closed and moved to the South. Jerome now works two jobs and his wife had gone back to the local community college to upgrade her skills in hopes of getting a job in the computer industry.
As unemployment rose in the neighborhood, those who could find work elsewhere left. Others who were unable to maintain their homes were forced to move out. As a result, property values dropped and there was a rapid increase in lower income renters who did not share the values of the old neighbors. Along with these changes came drug dealers and gangs. Jerome and Priscilla became quite concerned about the welfare of their children. As a result, Jerome made very rigid rules for Ali and Jasmine. For example, they had to be home directly after school. They were only allowed to play with several children in the neighborhood whose families were known to Jerome and Priscilla. On one occasion Jerome found Ali talking to some kids on the corner who he did now know. He immediately became furious with Ali and publicly gave him a tongue lashing, partially to scare Ali and partially to give a message to the other kids that he was not someone who could be messed with.
Priscilla, for her part, played a secondary role when it came to disciplining the children. She was more inclined to give the children reasons for her parental actions. However, she was not a pushover and had high expectations for each of the kids.
Because of the neighborhood conditions, the parents looked for some possible educational alternatives for Ali and Jasmine. They were also concerned that the schools were failing their children, as they did not seem to be learning much. They frequently commented about the lack of homework and the lack of textbooks. When he was in second grade, Ali was given an I.Q. Test by the school because he seemed to be having trouble learning. Although his parents were not really clear about the results of the tests, he was placed in a track with lower functioning children. He was also showing a lack of attention in his studies and could not seem to pay attention long enough to learn the lessons. During the last year Ali has become very anxious about going to school and seeks out any way he can to cut class. His lack of attendance is becoming a big problem. When his mother asked him why this was happening, Ali complained that he does not have any friends in school. He would like to play sports, but his father wants him to come home after school for fear he will hand out with the wrong crowd. He has also gained a great deal of weight, which is making him feel self-conscious.
Jasmine, on the other hand, was near the top of her class. She seemed to be very alert and capable. She had the possibility of a scholarship to a private school, but needed to take a standardized test that was used by the school over a number of years. After completing the testing, the school, officials said that she would have to start in the 3rd grade, rather than the 4th grade. Concerned about her academic ability, the school, after consultation with the parents, decided to give her an I.Q. Test. After completing the testing, the school counselor told the parents that Jasmine was an average student who should, with appropriate support, be able to keep up with the other students. Jasmine’s mother was concerned that putting her in 3rd grade would have a negative effect on her self-concept and wanted to know if there was any way to assess that. The counselor did not really know much about that. The counselor felt that Jasmine’s use of what she called Black English may be a big factor in her self-concept and advised the parents to discourage its use at home.
The parents were quite concerned about Ali. They feel he didn’t get the education he should be getting. On a number of occasions his teachers have advised the parents that he is not paying attention in school. He often acts without thinking and he cannot seem to sit still long enough to participate in the learning experiences happening in class. They have had several meetings with school officials in an attempt to provide an appropriate education for Ali, since he seems to be having some trouble learning. To date, the school has taken no action.

Assignment: Make a careful assessment of this case study using the parameters described below. Be sure to use the APA handouts. Write a paper using the following:
1. Describe each of the major biological, psychological and sociological issues. Identify the page number (in parentheses) where you found the issue in the text. If it is an issue you did not find in the text, be sure to reference it and note that in the parentheses, and on your reference page.
2. For each of these issues, identify the risks and possible resolutions.
-Include detailed contact information.
3. Describe the strengths each of the individuals bring to the situation, and (in detail) how their strengths can be used to help. Be sure to explain your observations.