Should Taxes On People Making Over $250000 Be Changed
May 19, 2020
case study of Northern Rock
May 19, 2020

mid-level HR leader

mid-level HR leader

Paper instructions:
this is the scenario given:
You, a mid-level HR leader, have been appointed chair of a  new cross-functional  project team of 15 that is tasked with creating a talent management process for a rather siloed organization of about 10,000 employees. The team contains a diagonal swathe of members and includes mainly mid-level managers, a few supervisors, and  a small number of individual contributors. Your project sponsor is your bosses’ bosses’ boss, the COO. Many/most do not know each other and many/most have never had an assignment like this. You will be working together over the course of a year.

These are the insructions
You are to write this from a consulting point of view. Answering the all information below

1.How do you approach this assignment? What are your questions and concerns? What do you do first? What is your communication plan?  Please answer in the form of an integrated scholarly argumentative essay that assumes no prior knowledge on the part of your audience.
2.You are to demonstrate an understanding of the situation, identity and address existing culture clients’ needs for change.
3.Identify and evaluate critical decisions needed for the evolution of the case. Include what key theories, stakeholders, planning questions should be asked and approaches to integration, timeline and measurements for recommendation.
4.Provide evidence-based recommendations for next steps, citations for the theories utilized, projected outcomes, and an approximate timeline for your recommendations. This would include such things as the size of the business (revenue), desired culture, leadership roles, employees and their development. What should be retained from the existing organization, and what should be created or re-created as new? What role should leader(s) have going forward? Are there any constraints that might be expected?
5.Throughout recommendations, demonstrate a general understanding of business/ organizational change dynamics, concepts and theories.
6.Include recommendations to client for next steps.