Microsoft Excel and construct a Project Finance model

Training & development
May 23, 2020
dark side of people(use book In the Lake of the Woods by Tim O’Brien)
May 23, 2020

Microsoft Excel and construct a Project Finance model

Topic: Microsoft Excel and construct a Project Finance model

A)The model is partially complete. The completed sections are;
– Construction,
– Operations and
– Tax
In these completed sections there are 4 errors. You are required to identify and correct these four common mistakes in the

spreadsheet. Please note the error in words at the bottom of each respective sheet, why it was an error and what you did to

correct it.
B)There are 6 sections to be completed (They are highlighted yellow). Sections to be completed are;
1. Amortisation table in rows 28:30 in the Operations Sheet
2. The Bank Account in rows 16:26 in the Summary Cashflow Sheet
3. The Debt Service Coverage Ratio/ Interest Coverage Ratio in rows 30:32/36:38 respectively in the Summary Cashflow Sheet
4. The Equity Return in rows 42:44 in the Summary Cashflow Sheet
5. Insert a chart illustrating the DSCR and the Debt Closing Balance for the life of the deal in rows 6:24 in the Executive

Summary sheet
6. Complete the Data Tables in the sensitivity sheet and answer the questions in this sheet..
C)There are four errors each of which are marked out of 10 (40% of mark)
D)There are 6 section to be completed of which are marked out of 10 (60% of mark)