Mianzi: the effect of Face Consciousness in Chinese consumers’ behaviour.

Mianzi: the effect of Face Consciousness in Chinese consumers’ behaviour.

Mianzi: the effect of Face Consciousness in Chinese consumers’ behaviour.

Order Description
Total word count: 7500 (+/-10%)
1. Please read the Final Project Brief (provided in additional files) carefully in order to understand and meet the requirements of this order.
2. The writer is allowed to slightly amend the title in order to fit the content.
3. The Literature Review should build on and be an updated version of the one provided in additional files.
4. The result of the survey is provided in additional files, both in excel and SPSS version.
5. Data analysis should be using SPSS ONLY!
6. The writer may extend the deadline of this order to 15days – not later than 24th or 25th April.

BUS520 Module 3 LP and 3 SLP
June 12, 2020
Enhancing Product Lines
June 12, 2020