MHA 690 Health Care Capstone Week 2 Discussions

March 24, 2020
Increased HIV infections in London as a public health issue
March 24, 2020

MHA 690 Health Care Capstone Week 2 Discussions

Week 2 Discussion 1

Healthcare Delivery on Micro and Macro Levels

Choose two elements from the following list and analyze how each has changed healthcare delivery on both the macro and micro levels. Provide specific examples of how both macro and micro impacts/changes:

Emerging health care reform

Managed care

Total quality improvement

Integrated health care delivery systems e.g. alliances, networks, mergers

Organizational downsizing

Week 2 Discussion 2


What has been the impact of horizontal, vertical, and virtual integration on health care organizations?

Wolper, L.F. (2011). Health care administration: Managing organized delivery systems (5th ed.). Boston: Jones and Bartlett.